GridGain Developers Hub

GridGain 9.0.14 Release Notes


GridGain 9.0.14 is a release that brings a large number of new features and several major behavior changes.

New Features

Python DB API Driver

This release introduces Python DB API Driver that can be used to work with GridGain database from Python. The DB API Driver uses the Python Database API to establish connection to a GridGain cluster and work with it.

The driver is available from pip:

pip install pygridgain-dbapi

Once installed, you can establish connection and work with your cluster, for example:

addr =['']
conn = pygridgain-dbapi.connect(address=addr, timeout=1)
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE Person(id int primary key, name varchar, age int)')

For more information on using Python DB API, see the Python Database API Driver section.

Point in Time Recovery

With this release, you can restore data to any point in time above the low watermark. Older data below the low watermark can be restored by using snapshots.

To start point in time recovery, use the recovery command, for example:

recovery tables start --tables Person,PUBLIC.Accounts --timestamp 2024-09-10T10:53:00+01:00

New Transaction Timeout Parameters

New readOnlyTimeout and readWriteTimeout transaction timeout parameters can be used to fine-tune maximum transaction times individually for read only and read-write transactions on your cluster.

Improved DDL Performance

This release features significant improvement in performance of DDL commands. These commands are now implicitly batched where possible, significantly speeding up database set up.

New Privileges

This release expands support for fine-tuned user access control, with new roles for controlling what users can cancel jobs, queries and transactions, as well as improved control over permissions over point in time recovery.

Improvements and Fixed Issues

Issue ID Category Description


CLI Tool

CLI in docker now uses UTF-8 encoding.


Platforms and Clients

.NET: Fixed read-only transaction timestamp propagation.



Improved error message on request timeout.



New transaction parameters were added to manage transaction timeouts.



Fixed an issue that allowed creating VARCHAR fields larger than 65536 characters.



Fixed an issue that allowed inserting too long values into VARBINARY fields while truncating length.



Improved logging during node startup.



Cluster and node configurations no longer allow duplicate keys.



Improved performance of DDL queries.



Fixed an issue with incorrect log10 calculation in SQL.


Migration Tools

Fixed an issue that prevented DCR from working for tables with lower-case names.


Cluster SQL Engine

Fixed an issue when caches were referred to as tables in error messages.


Cluster SQL Engine

New privileges were added for managing user permissions for stopping transactions, queries and jobs.


Cluster SQL Engine

Improved SQL error message consistency.


Cluster Data Snapshots and Recovery

New permissions were added for managing what users can perform PITR operations.


Cluster Security

Snapshot management now correctly checks for permissions.

Known Limitations

Data Center Replication with Multiple Data Centers

Complex Data Center Replication topologies (for example, the ones involving cycles) of 3 or more data centers are not supported. This will be addressed in an upcoming release.

GridGain 8 Features

The following features of GridGain 8 are not available in this version, and will be added in upcoming versions:

  • Rack-Awareness

  • Tracing

  • Service Grid

SQL Performance in Complex Scenarios

There are known issues with the performance of SQL read-write transactions in complex read-write scenarios. These issues will be addressed in an upcoming release.

We Value Your Feedback

Your comments and suggestions are always welcome. You can reach us here: