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In your Java projects, you can use the Java SQL API to execute SQL statements and getting results.

Creating Tables

Here is an example of how you can create a new table on a cluster:

ignite.sql().execute(null, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Person (id int primary key, name varchar, age int);");

Filling Tables

With GridGain 9, you can fill the table by adding rows one by one, or in a batch. In both cases, you create an INSERT statement, and then exeсute it:

long rowsAdded =,
    "INSERT INTO Person (id, name, age) values (?, ?, ?)",
    BatchedArguments.of(1, "John", 46)
        .add(2, "Jane", 28)
        .add(3, "Mary", 51)
        .add(4, "Richard", 33)))

Getting Data From Tables

To get data from a table, execute the SELECT statement to get a set of results. SqlRow can provide access to column values by column name or column index. You can then iterate through results to get data:

try (ResultSet<SqlRow> rs = client.sql().execute(null, "SELECT id, name, age FROM Person")) {
    while (rs.hasNext()) {
        SqlRow row =;
        System.out.println("    "
            + row.value(1) + ", "
            + row.value(2));

SQL Scripts

The default API executes SQL statements one at a time. For large SQL statements, pass them to the executeScript() method. The statements will be batched together similar to using SET STREAMING command in GridGain 8, significantly improving performance when executing a large number of queries at once. These statements will be executed in order.

String script = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Person (id int primary key, name varchar, age int default 0);"
              + "INSERT INTO Person (id, name, age) VALUES ('1', 'John', '46');";