GridGain Developers Hub

Installing Using DEP and RPM Package

GridGain can be installed from the official RPM or DEB repositories.

Installing Deb Package

Install the GridGain 9 package:

sudo apt-get install ./gridgain9-db-9.0.0.deb --no-install-recommends
sudo apt-get install ./gridgain9-cli-9.0.0.deb --no-install-recommends
sudo rpm -i gridgain9-db-9.0.0.noarch.rpm

sudo rpm -i gridgain9-cli-9.0.0.noarch.rpm

The packages will be installed in the following way:

Folder Description


The root installation of GridGain.


The location of configuration files.


The location of node logs.


The location of the CLI tool.

The root of GridGain’s installation

Running GridGain as a Service

To start a GridGain node with a custom configuration, run the following command:

sudo systemctl start gridgain9db

To launch the node at system startup, run the following command:

sudo systemctl enable gridgain9db

Running GridGain as a Stand-Alone Process

Generally, you would want to run GridGain as a service. However, GridGain also provides a startup script that can be used to start it as a stand-alone application. To run it, use the following command:

sudo bash /usr/share/gridgain9db/ 1>/tmp/gridgain9-start.log 2>&1 &

Using GridGain CLI Tool

The GridGain CLI tool can be started by using the gridgain9 command. Once the tool is started, you can connect to the node and perform the actions with it.

Updating GridGain Configuration

When the node starts, it loads the configuration from the /etc/gridgain9db/ignite-config.conf file by default, and uses the name specified in the /etc/gridgain9db/vars.env file. You can change the address of the configuration file in the vars.env file. For more information on configuration, see Node Configuration.

Providing License

GridGain 9 requires a license to run a cluster. Please use GridGain Website to request a trial license key, or contact GridGain Support.

You can start individual nodes without a license, however you will be required to provide the license in your configuration when initializing the cluster.

License in part of cluster configuration and is provided at during cluster initialization with other configuration parameters. The easiest way is to provide the path to the license file:

cluster init --name=sampleCluster --metastorage-group=defaultNode --config-files=license.conf

This will initialize the cluster, load the license configuration from the license file and apply it. You can check license from the CLI tool by using the following command:

cluster config show license

When initializing the cluster with non-default configuration, make sure the contents of the license file are part of your configuration.

Updating License

Updating license involves updating cluster configuration with the new license. To do this, use the cluster config update and pass the contents of the license file as the argument:

cluster config update <license>

Next Steps

With the GridGain installed, you can proceed with the Getting Started or use the available APIs immediately.