GridGain Developers Hub

Installing Using Docker

Downloading GridGain Docker Image

Assuming that you already have Docker installed on your machine, you can pull and run the GridGain Docker image using the following commands.

Running Cluster

Run GridGain in a docker container using the docker run command.

docker run -d -p 10300:10300 -p 10800:10800 -p 3344:3344 gridgain/gridgain9:9.0.0

This command launches a single GridGain node.

After you run the command, you can check if GridGain is running in the container logs.

Running CLI Tool in Docker

Once the node is running, you can use the CLI image to start the GridGain CLI tool:

docker run -it gridgain/gridgain9:9.0.0 cli

It is not recommended to run the CLI tool in docker. Instead, we recommend to download and install CLI tool locally.

Providing License

GridGain 9 requires a license to run a cluster. Please use GridGain Website to request a trial license key, or contact GridGain Support.

You can start individual nodes without a license, however you will be required to provide the license in your configuration when initializing the cluster. We recommend not running CLI tool in docker and instead using it from your local machine.

License in part of cluster configuration and is provided at during cluster initialization with other configuration parameters. The easiest way is to provide the path to the license file:

cluster init --name=sampleCluster --metastorage-group=defaultNode --config-files=license.conf

This will initialize the cluster, load the license configuration from the license file and apply it. You can check license from the CLI tool by using the following command:

cluster config show license

When initializing the cluster with non-default configuration, make sure the contents of the license file are part of your configuration.

Updating License

Updating license involves updating cluster configuration with the new license. To do this, use the cluster config update and pass the contents of the license file as the argument:

cluster config update <license>