GridGain Developers Hub

Integrating Control Center with PingOne

Zhanna Gubaeva
Quality Assurance Team Lead

Control Center allows users to use SSO providers for authorization in the system. Thanks to this, Control Center Administrator may use Role-based access control (RBAC) and assign specific privileges to certain users. Moreover, cluster action permissions also may be checked if the user is authorized via SSO. In this tutorial we are going to use PingOne SSO provider as an example.

PingOne Configuration

  1. Firstly, Sign on PingOne and pass the email verification.

  2. After completing the verification process, proceed to create a new Application. Specify the Application name and choose the OIDC Web App option.

    Ping OICD Application
  3. Create two User Attributes : gg-role and cc-role with No validation option.

    User Attributes
    User Attributes
  4. Add gg-role and cc-role mapping in created Application. Find Attribute Mapping tab in Application and add mapping in the Custom Attributes section.

    Add mapping
  5. Set Redirect URIs parameter as http://localhost:3000/api/v1/oauth2/login/ping and activate Refresh Token. These parameters are located on the Configuration tab.

    Add URI
  6. Assign gg-role and cc-role to the users. User management is carried out through the Users page.

    Add role to the users
  7. Add email to the allowed scope on the Resources tab.

    Add email to asllowed scope

Control Center Configuration

After completing the Ping configuration, set up Control Center via ``file. This file should be located in the Control Center root folder.

The account.oidc.rbac.enabled attribute settings permission towards Control Center based on a value in the cc-role attribute. The possible values are "admin", "regular" or "no-access". All the values for parameters are defined on the Overview tab in the Application.

Connection Details
account.oidc.rbac.enabled: true
account.oidc.rbac.attributeName: cc-role {{client_id}} {{client_secret}}{{id}}/as/authorize{{id}}/as/token{{id}}/as/jwks{{id}}/as/userinfo

GridGain 8.9 Cluster Configuration

Permissions on cluster actions also can be validated via cluster configuration and the attribute, which is defined as the claimName. In this configuration the attribute value is gg-role.

    <!-- Credentials for the current node. -->
    <bean id="node.cred" class="">
        <constructor-arg value="admin"/>
        <constructor-arg value="admin_password"/>

    <!-- Credentials for the current node. -->
    <bean id="cc_login.user.cred" class="">
        <constructor-arg value="cc_password"/>
        <constructor-arg value="default"/>

    <bean id="ignite.cfg" class="org.apache.ignite.configuration.IgniteConfiguration">
  <property name="authenticator">
      <bean class="">
          <property name="authenticators">
                  <bean class="">
    <!-- Set acl provider. -->
    <property name="aclProvider">
        <bean class="">
                    <entry key-ref="node.cred" value="{defaultAllow:true}"/>
                    <entry key-ref="cc_login.user.cred" value="{defaultAllow:true, {cache:'allow_cache', permissions:[CACHE_READ, CACHE_PUT, CACHE_REMOVE]},{cache:'deny_cache', permissions:[]}}"/>
                  <!-- Set OpenID provider. -->
                  <bean class="">
    <property name="userInfoUrl" value="{{id}}/as/userinfo"/>
    <property name="claimName" value="gg-role"/> <!-- The "value" may be a custom one, but the same name should be defined as a Custom Attribute in your Ping Application. -->
    <property name="permissionsJson">
            <entry key="default" value="{defaultAllow:true}"/>
            <entry key="mycache" value="{defaultAllow:false, {cache:'MYCACHE*',permissions:['CACHE_READ','CACHE_DESTROY']}}"/>

  <property name="securityCredentialsProvider">
      <bean class="">
          <constructor-arg ref="node.cred"/>

Work with Control Center

With everything set up it is time to check how RBAC and Cluster Actions work for user, who was authenticated via PingOne.

  1. Go to Control Center and select PingOne as a way of authentication.

    Sign in via Ping

    If the user has cc-role=admin, then the Administration tab is going to be visible.

    Administration tab
  2. Attach a GridGain cluster with the CompositeAuthenticator in its configuration.

  3. Try to Rename the attached cluster.

    Administration tab
  4. Select the Authenticate via ping option and click Sign In. The cluster will check user’s permissions.

    Secure cluster sign in dialog

    If the user has the previously configured gg-role=mycache role, the action is prohibited and the error message is shown, as the role does not allow renaming clusters.

    Error if the user does not have enough permissions