GridGain Developers Hub

GridGain 9.0.10 Release Notes


GridGain 9.0.10 is a release that continues work on stability while also bringing new and exciting features.

New Features

Improved Data Center Replication

This release features multiple improvements to Data Center Replication:

  • Time-based conflict resolution during active-active replication is significantly more reliable.

  • You can now run data replication on clusters secured via SSL.

  • You can now specify addresses of multiple nodes, that will be used for failover and data transfer optimization.

OpenTelemetry Exporter

In this release, a new OpenTelemetry metrics exporter was added. When enabled, all nodes in the cluster send metrics to the specified OpenTelemetry endpoint.

You can enable the OpenTelemetry exporter from CLI:

cluster config update ignite.metrics.exporters.test: {exporterName:otlp, endpoint:"http://localhost:9090/api/v1/otlp/v1/metrics", protocol:"http/protobuf"}

For more information about configuring OpenTelemetry exporter, see metrics configuration topic.

IgniteClientGroup in .NET

The IgniteClientGroup API was added to the .NET client. This API can be used to simplify IgniteClient usage in DI containers, for example:

// Register in DI container
builder.Services.AddSingleton<IgniteClientGroup>(_ => new IgniteClientGroup(
        new IgniteClientGroupConfiguration
            Size = 3,
            ClientConfiguration = new("localhost"),


// Invoke in a controller
public async Task<IActionResult> Index([FromServices] IgniteClientGroup igniteGroup)
    IIgnite ignite = await igniteGroup.GetIgniteAsync();
    var tables = await ignite.Tables.GetTablesAsync();
    return Ok(tables);

System View Extensions

As part of continued work to improve system views, this release features multiple system view improvements:

  • A new LOCKS system view was added, that can be used to track currently active locks.

  • A LOCAL_PARTITION_STATES column was added to the ESTIMATED_ROWS system view.

  • A USERNAME column was added to the SQL_QUERIES system view.

Improvements and Fixed Issues

Issue ID Category Description



Improved error message when an invalid HOCON configuration is provided.



Initialized nodes will no longer stop trying to rejoin the cluster.


CLI Tool

You can now pass parameter values with spaces when using the CLI tool.


Platforms and Clients

.NET: Added IgniteClientGroup to simplify DI integration.



A new LOCKS view was added.



Unused error codes were removed.



Added a new LOCAL_PARTITION_STATES column to ESTIMATED_ROWS system view.


Cluster Security

Removed GET_JOB_STATES privilege. GET_JOB_STATE should be used instead.


Cluster Data Snapshots and Recovery

Snapshot-related CLI commands now provide human-readable time instead on a timestamp.


Cluster SQL Engine

Added USERNAME column to SQL_QUERIES system view.

Known Limitations

Delay on DDL Requests

DDL requests, such as CREATE TABLE, take a few seconds each to complete. Because of that, large database initialization scripts may take longer than expected. This will be addressed in an upcoming release.

Performance of GridGain 8 Applications

Some scenarios may see lower performance when moving to GridGain 9. This is a temporary limitation, and the performance in these scenarios will be improved in upcoming versions.

High-Availability with Two Data Copies

When a partition loses majority of its copies, it becomes unavailable. This behavior is required for split-brain protection. Because of this, in a distribution zone with 2 data replicas, losing one node may lead to partial unavailability.

To achieve both split-brain protection and full availability with one node down, use 3 or more replicas.

Upcoming versions will add a high-availability mode that support full availability with one node down when using 2 replicas.

Data Center Replication with Multiple Data Centers

Complex Data Center Replication topologies (for example, the ones involving cycles) of 3 or more data centers are not supported. This will be addressed in an upcoming release.

GridGain 8 Features

The following features of GridGain 8 are not available in this version, and will be added in upcoming versions:

  • Rack-Awareness

  • SQL Offloading

  • Tracing

  • Service Grid

We Value Your Feedback

Your comments and suggestions are always welcome. You can reach us here: