Authenticating to Control Center with Kerberos
This tutorial walks you through setting up Control Center to use Kerberos authentication with Keycloak.
The tutorial uses the following software versions:
Control Center 2023.3
Keycloak 19.0.2
Kerberos 5 1.19.2
1. Configure Control Center to use OAuth2 Keycloak Authentication
Open the Keycloak Administration console in your browser and log in as administrator.
Create the
Initiate realm creation.
Enter the name "gridgain" ans save the new realm.
Create the
Initiate client creation.
Enter the values as they appear in the screenshot below and click Next.
Enter the values as they appear in the screenshot below and click Save.
On the Client Details page, define access settings for the client you have created. Use your actual Control Center host address and port number.
Root URL: http://[cc-host]:[cc-port]
Home URL: http://[cc-host]:[cc-port]/api/v1/oauth2/login/keycloak
Valid Redirect URIs: http://[cc-host]:[cc-port]/*
On the Credentials tab, copy Client secret, which is required to set up Control Center connection to Keycloak.
Click the OpenID endpoint configuration link on the Realm Settings page.
On the page that opens, define the following settings.
Create a new Control Center user:
Initiate user creation.
Enter the values as they appear in the screenshot below and click Create.
Manually set up a password for
Initiate the Set password procedure.
Enter the required password and click Save.
You can now authenticate to Control Center as
with the password you created in the previous step.
Edit the Control Center’s
configuration. Use the values from p.5 and p.7 above. Replace[kc-url]
with the actual Keycloak network registration: keycloak: client-id: control-center client-secret: <secret> scope: openid, profile, roles provider: keycloak: authorization-uri: http://[kc-url]/realms/gridgain/protocol/openid-connect/auth token-uri: http://[kc-url]/realms/gridgain/protocol/openid-connect/token jwk-set-uri: http://[kc-url]/realms/gridgain/protocol/openid-connect/certs
2. Set up Kerberos Server on Ubuntu
Install Key Distribution Center and Kerberos Admin Service:
$ sudo apt install krb5-admin-server krb5-kdc
During installation, set the following properties:
Default realm:
Kerberos server:
Admin server:
Create a realm:
$ sudo krb5_newrealm
3. Create Kerberos principals
Create a new principal to be used by Keycloack:
$ sudo kadmin.local -q 'addprinc -randkey HTTP/'
Generate the principal keytab file:
$ sudo kadmin.local -q 'ktadd -k /tmp/http.keytab HTTP/'
Place the
file on the Keycloack machine locally. -
Create a principal and keytab to be used by Control Center:
$ sudo kadmin.local -q 'addprinc -randkey krb-user@EXAMPLE.COM' $ sudo kadmin.local -q 'ktadd -k /tmp/krb-user.keytab krb-user@EXAMPLE.COM'
4. Configure Keycloack to Log in with a Kerberos Ticket
Select the
realm and go to User Federation. -
Add the Kerberos provider and click Save.
From the side menu, select Authentication.
Add Kerberos as an alternative step to the Browser flow.
5. Sign in to Control Center with the Kerberos User
Install the Kerberos client on the client side (if not already installed):
$ sudo apt install krb5-user
During installation, configure the realm host.
Authenticate to Kerberos as
with the keytab you have created in p. 3.3:$ kinit -kt /tmp/krb-user.keytab krb-user@EXAMPLE.COM
Check if the Kerberos tickets have been successfully granted by KDC:
$ klist
The response should be:
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_1000 Default principal: krb-user@EXAMPLE.COM Valid starting Expires Service principal 10/16/2022 12:19:10 10/16/2022 22:19:10 krbtgt/EXAMPLE.COM@EXAMPLE.COM renew until 10/17/2022 12:19:09
Launch your browser (Chrome in this tutorial) with SPNEGO enabled to allow Kerberos authentication with Keycloack:
$ /usr/bin/google-chrome-stable --auth-server-whitelist="*" --auth-negotiate-delegate-whitelist="*"
Open Control Center in the browser and select the Sign in to your account with OpenID option.
Authentication with the Kerberos principal is performed automatically
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