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GridGain Kafka Connector on Amazon MSK

Rohit Dharampal
Sr. Consultant


GridGain, derived from the open-source Apache Ignite platform, is a leading in-memory computing and data management platform.

Apache Kafka is an open-source, distributed event streaming platform that can process and store large amounts of real-time data.

GridGain offers two options to integrate with Kafka:

In this tutorial, we present the second option - GridGain Kafka Connector. We demonstrate Kafka running on Amazon MSK with GridGain Kafka Connector running on EC2. The GridGain Kafka Connector sources and sinks data between MSK and a GridGain cluster running in AWS. This is a basic tutorial intended to get you started with Amazon MSK. For detailed configurations and advanced topics, refer to the official AWS documentation.

Step 1: Set up Your Environment

  1. Navigate to the AWS Management Console.

  2. Sign in with your AWS credentials.

  3. Select your region (make sure you’re in the correct AWS region, the one where you want to create your MSK cluster).

    screenshot 1

Step 2: Create an MSK Cluster

  1. In the AWS Management Console, search for MSK and select Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka.

    The Amazon MSK Console opens.

  2. Click Create cluster.

    screenshot 2a

  3. In Creation method, select:

    • Quick create to use default settings, or

    • Custom create to define custom settings.

  4. Cluster name: Enter a name for your cluster.

    screenshot 2b

  5. Apache Kafka version: Select the version of Apache Kafka you want to use.

  6. In Broker configuration:

    1. From Instance type, select the instance type for your Kafka brokers.

    2. Specify the Number of brokers for your cluster.

    3. Specify the Storage volume per broker.

  7. In Networking:

    1. VPC: Select the VPC where the cluster will be launched.

    2. Subnets: Select subnets for the brokers.

    3. Security groups: Select security groups for the brokers.

    4. Select the Monitoring option (e.g., JMX Exporter or Prometheus).

    5. Optionally, add Tags to your cluster to facilitate cluster management.

  8. Review your settings and click Create cluster.

Step 3: Create an IAM Role

  1. Open the IAM Console.

    screenshot 4

  2. Select MSK as the trusted entity.

  3. Attach the AmazonMSKFullAccess policy.

  4. Name the role and create it.

Step 4: Create a Client Machine

  1. Launch an EC2 Instance:

    1. Open the EC2 Console.

      screenshot 5

    2. Choose Amazon Linux 2 AMI.

    3. Select the instance type.

    4. Configure instance details, add storage, and tag your instance.

    5. Configure the security group to allow SSH (port 22) and Kafka ports (9092, 2181).

  2. Use your key pair to SSH into the instance.

Step 5: Configure Clients and Connect to the Cluster

  1. Ensure your client machines (EC2 instances) are in the same VPC as the MSK cluster (or have network access to that VPC).

  2. Install Apache Kafka Tools on your client machine. For example:

    tar -xzf kafka_2.12-2.7.0.tgz
    cd kafka_2.12-2.7.0
  3. In the MSK console, go to your cluster details page and copy the Bootstrap servers.

    screenshot 6

  4. Use the Kafka Tools to create a topic:

    bin/ --create --bootstrap-server <Bootstrap-Servers> --replication-factor 3 --partitions 1 --topic MyFirstTopic
  5. Use Kafka Producer to send messages to the topic:

    bin/ --broker-list <Bootstrap-Servers> --topic MyFirstTopic
  6. Type a few messages and press [Enter].

  7. Use Kafka Consumer to read messages from the topic:

    bin/ --bootstrap-server <Bootstrap-Servers> --topic MyFirstTopic --from-beginning

    This verifies that the MSK setup works as intended.

Next, we’ll use the GridGain Kafka Connector instead of the Kafka Producer/Consumer to sink data into GridGain caches.

Step 6: Set Up GridGain on AWS

Set up a GridGain Enterprise Edition or Ultimate Edition instance on AWS using the Installation Guide.

Step 7: Configure GridGain Kafka Connector

  1. Download the GridGain Enterprise Edition or Ultimate Edition package:

  2. Extract the package and prepare it.

  3. Create two Connector Property files: and

    • Example Source Properties:

    • Example Sink Properties:

  4. In $KAFKA_HOME/config/, enter the Bootstrap servers you have copied in Step 5: Configure Clients and Connect to the Cluster.

  5. To deploy the connector, transfer the property files and the GridGain Kafka Connector package to your EC2 instances.

  6. Start the connector:

    1. SSH into your EC2 instance and navigate to the Kafka installation directory.

    2. Run the following commands:

      $KAFKA_HOME/bin/ \
          $KAFKA_HOME/config/ \

  7. Verify that the intended data appears in the cache:

    1. Insert some messages into the Kafka topic.

    2. Query the cache to make sure the data from the Kafka topic was inserted into the cache.

Step 8: Monitor and Manage Your Cluster

  1. Open the Cloud Watch Console.

  2. Monitor your cluster’s metrics, such as the like broker health, CPU utilization, etc.

    screenshot 7

  3. Adjust the number of brokers or the storage volume as needed.

    screenshot 8

  4. Manage security settings, such as IAM roles and policies, encryption in transit, and client authentication.

    screenshot 9

Step 9: Clean Up

  1. Optionally, delete the topics you have created:

    bin/ --delete --bootstrap-server <Bootstrap-Servers> --topic MyFirstTopic
  2. In the Amazon MSK console, navigate to your cluster and click Delete.