GridGain Developers Hub

Transparent Data Encryption


Transparent data encryption (TDE) allows users to encrypt their data at rest.

When Ignite persistence is turned on, all data in the cluster will be encrypted, including:

  • Data on disk

  • RAFT log

  • Meta storage

If you enable cluster encryption, the cluster will generate a data encryption key and will use this key to encrypt/decrypt the data. This key is held in the internal memory and cannot be accessed by users. When the cluster needs save it to disk (for example, when the node goes down), it is encrypted by using the user-provided key — the key encryption key.

The key encryption key provider must be specified in the cluster configuration.

Key Generation Example

A keystore with a key can be created by using keytool:

Key Generation Example
user:~/tmp:[]$ java -version
java version "1.8.0_161"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_161-b12)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.161-b12, mixed mode)

user:~/tmp:[]$ keytool -genseckey \
-alias ignite.key \
-keystore ./ignite_keystore.jks \
-storetype PKCS12 \
-keyalg aes \
-storepass mypassw0rd \
-keysize 256

user:~/tmp:[]$ keytool \
-storepass mypassw0rd \
-storetype PKCS12 \
-keystore ./ignite_keystore.jks \

Keystore type: PKCS12
Keystore provider: SunJSSE

Your keystore contains 1 entry

ignite.key, 12.01.2020, SecretKeyEntry,

The generated keystore can be provided to the cluster as


To enable encryption in the cluster, specify the path to your keystore in the cluster configuration by using the CLI tool.

encryption {
	enabled: true,
	activeProvider: keystore,
	providers: [{
        name: keystore,
        type: keystore,
        keyStoreType: PKCS12,
        path: /var/gridgain/keystore.jks,
        password: mypassw0rd,
        activeKeyName: ignite.key
Property Name Default Description



Determines if data encryption is enabled on the cluster.


The name of the currently used provider.



Type of the keystore.

Name of the provider. This name is used in the activeProvider field.


Password for opening the keystore and extracting the active key.


The path to the keystore file.


Name or alias for the active key.

Key Rotation

You may need to change the encryption key at the end of your key’s validity period, or if the currently used key is compromised.

To change the key, first create a new provider with a different key in the cluster configuration.

encryption {
	enabled: true,
	activeProvider: keystore,
	providers: [{
        name: otherKeystore,
        type: keystore,
        keyStoreType: PKCS12,
        path: /var/gridgain/keystore_new.jks,
        password: newPass,
        name: keystore,
        type: keystore,
        keyStoreType: PKCS12,
        path: /var/gridgain/keystore.jks,
        password: mypassw0rd,
        activeKeyName: ignite.key

Then, change the currently used provider to a provider with the new key.