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Authentication and Authorization

GridGain 9 provides advanced Authentication and Authorization capabilities. With it, you can fine-tune the permissions on a per-user basis.

Authentication Configuration

Basic Authentication

To start using basic authentication on the cluster, you need to enable it and create an initial administrator user. By default, the role that grants administrator permissions is called admin, but you can change it in cluster configuration. Here is an example of configuration that initializes the cluster and enables security on it:

cluster init --name=sampleCluster --metastorage-group=defaultNode -config={security{enabled:true,authentication.providers:[{name:default,type:basic,users:[{username:ignite,displayName:administrator,password:ignite,roles:["system"]}]}]}}

When cluster has been initialized, it has basic authorization configured for ignite user name and ignite password with system level access. However, by default security is disabled. To enable it:

cluster config update security.enabled=true

After authorization is enabled, you will be disconnected from the cluster and must reconnect to the cluster:

connect --username ignite --password ignite

You can change the password for the default user by updating cluster configuration, for example:

cluster config update  security.authentication.providers.default.users.ignite.password=myPass

LDAP Authentication

To start using LDAP authentication on the cluster, you need to enable LDAP security provider on the cluster. Below is the configuration

ldap {
    url "ldap://server:port"

    userSearch {
        dn: "*******"
        scope: <SUB_TREE|ONE_LEVEL|BASE>
        filter: ""
         groupAttribute: "memberOf"
    groupSearch {
        dn: "*****"
        filter: ""
        userAttribute: ""
    roleMapping {
        *Ldap group*: [list of GG roles]
Parameter Description


The URL of the LDAP server.


Configuration of user-specific LDAP authentication. If configured, GridGain will search for specified users and then match them to required group attributes.


The DN of the container to search for users.


The scope of the search. Possible values: SUB_TREE, ONE_LEVEL, BASE.


A filter used when searching for the username. Default value: (uid={0}), with the username provided when searching.


An attribute checked for group membership. Ignored if groupSearch is specified.


If specified, users are searched only in the matching groups.


The DN of the container to search.


The scope of the search. Possible values: SUB_TREE, ONE_LEVEL, BASE. If ONE_LEVEL is specified, only searches objects directly contained within the dn. If SUB_TREE is specified, searches all objects contained under the dn. If BASE is specified, the specified group is searched. Default value: SUB_TREE.


A filter used when searching for the username. If empty, all group, groupOfNames, groupOfUniqueNames, or posixGroup are searched. If {0} is specified, it is replaced by user attribute defined in group_search.userAttribute. Empty by default.


The user attribute provided as the parameter to the filter. Empty by default.


Mapping of LDAP groups to GridGain roles. If not specified, the groups are mapped to roles with matching names.

You can provide LDAP configuration in a similar way you provide basic authentication configuration.

User Authorization

In GridGain 9, users and their roles are configured by using CLI or SQL. You can see the full list of CLI commands in the GridGain CLI Tool section, and SQL commands in DDL reference. In most cases, the workflow would involve creating a role, assigning it some privileges and then assigning them to a user. Here is an example of this:

  • Create a new user:

    user create --password=myPassword myUser
  • Create a new role on the cluster:

    role create sampleRole
  • Grant a new privilege to the role. In this case, we will allow users with this role to create tables, but you can see the full list of role in the User Permissions and Roles section.

    role privilege grant --action=CREATE_TABLE --on=PUBLIC.Person --to=sampleRole
  • Now the role has the required permission, you can assign it to the user:

    user role assign --role=sampleRole --to=myUser

Now, the myUser user will have the permissions to use the CREATE TABLE sql statement.

connect --username myUser --password myPassword
sql "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS PUBLIC.Person (id int primary key,  city varchar,  name varchar,  age int,  company varchar)"