GridGain Developers Hub

Deploying Cloud Connector on Kubernetes with a Helm Chart

This section provides a step-by-step process for installing the Cloud Connector on Kubernetes using Kubernetes Helm Chart.


  • Kubernetes cluster version 1.26 or later

  • Helm version 3 or later

  • PersistentVolume provisioner support in the persistence configuration

Step 1: Add Helm Chart repository

To add the Helm chart repository, run the following commands:

helm repo add gridgain
helm repo update

Step 2: Prepare configuration file

Configure the values.yaml file to set up the Cloud Connector. It is mandatory to specify the content section for the connector to function properly.

  • Set your Nebula credentials and the base-url that points to the connector URL. The base-url must be accessible from the monitored cluster nodes. Below is an example configuration:

        content: |-
            base-url: http://connector.namespace.svc.cluster.local:80
            name: Nebula Cloud Connector
            username: <provide your Nebula username here>
            password: <provide your Nebula password here>
  • By default Cloud Connector will be exposed to Kubernetes network using ClusterIP service and 80 port. Ensure that port value in the base-url matches the httpPort.

      enabled: true
      httpPort: 80
      type: ClusterIP
  • If you want to expose your Cloud Connector outside of Kubernetes network (e.g. to monitor GridGain 9 clusters out of Kubernetes network) configure the ingress settings as shown below. The must match the base-url parameter from file provided along with Cloud Connector installation.

      enabled: true
      test: false
        - host: ""
            - path: "/api/v1/metrics"
            - path: "/api/v1/events"
      - hosts:

Step 3: Install the Helm Chart

To install the chart with the default configuration, use the following command:

helm install my-release gridgain/cc-spring-app -f values.yaml

This installs GridGain 9 on your Kubernetes cluster.

Step 4: Update the Helm Chart installation

To apply updates or reconfigure the installation, use the following command:

helm upgrade my-release gridgain/cc-spring-app -f values.yaml

Uninstalling GridGain

To remove the installation from your Kubernetes cluster, use the following command:

helm uninstall my-release

Getting Help

For more information about available options and values, refer to the Helm chart documentation on Artifact Hub.

If you have questions or concerns, open an issue in our GitHub repository.