GridGain Developers Hub

Cache List

The Cache list tab displays a list of all active caches.

Cache List

By default, the list includes the following columns:

Column Description


The cache name.


See Data Partitioning.


See Atomicity Modes.


Whether statistics gathering for the cache enabled or disabled.


Whether the cache participates in data replication (DR) (ON/OFF).

Sender group

The name of the sender group the cache belongs to. Relevant if Replication=ON.

Replication state

The incremental data replication state (STOPPED/WORKING). Relevant if Replication=ON.

FST state

The state of the full state transfer (WORKING/FAILED). Relevant if Replication=ON.

The leftmost column of the list offers check boxes that you use to select multiple caches for enabling or disabling statistics (see cache management options below).

You can:

  • Add or remove columns to/from the list by selecting or deselecting column names in the list’s context menu.

  • Filter the cache list by any of its columns using the Filters pane on the right.

To manage a cache, use that cache’s context menu. The menu contains the following items:

Menu item Description

Enable statistics

Enables collection of cache statistics. You can enable statistics for multiple caches at a time using the check boxes to select caches.

Disable statistics

Disables collection of cache statistics. You can disable statistics for multiple caches at a time using the check boxes to select caches.

Show partition distribution

Redirects to the Partition Distribution tab with the corresponding information on partition distribution of the selected cache.

Show lost partitions

Redirects to the Lost Partitions tab with the corresponding information on lost partitions (if any) of the selected cache.

Show cache configuration

Opens the read-only Cache Configuration dialog. See Configure Caches for more details.

Load from cache store

Executes the cache.loadCache() method for the selected cache to preload data from the underlying database into memory.

Run rebalance

Starts rebalance process. See Data Rebalancing for more details.

Run scan query

Opens a new Scan query tab in the Queries screen and runs a scan query on the selected cache with all the advanced options set to default values.

Clear selected cache

Removes all entries from the cache.

Destroy selected cache

Removes the cache.

Pause replication

Pauses the DR process.

Resume replication

Resumes the previously paused DR process.

Start full state transfer

Starts the full state transfer process.

Stop full state transfer

Stops the full state transfer process.