GridGain Developers Hub

Snapshot Schedule Management for GridGain 8 Clusters

The users of GridGain Ultimate edition can create and manage snapshot schedules in the Schedules tab of the Snapshots screen.

Snapshots Schedules

Viewing Schedules

The Schedules tab displays the following information for each snapshot schedule:

Column Description


The schedule name.


The scheduled operation: Create, Check, Delete, or Move.


The schedule frequency or dependency on another schedule (runs after successful completion of schedule X).

Incremental frequency

The frequency of the incremental snapshot operation. The incremental snapshot is based the full snapshot, which should be created less frequently than the incremental one.


The number of snapshots to keep (relevant for the Delete operation).


The period of snapshot retention: TTL, Latest snapshots, or Oldest snapshots.

Last time

The last time the schedule ran.


The schedule status: Enabled or Disabled.

You can filter the list using the Filters section in the right-hand part of the tab.

Creating Schedules

To create a new snapshot schedule:

  1. Click Set up schedule.

    The Set up schedule dialog opens.

    Set Up Schedule
  2. In the Name field, enter a name for the schedule.

  3. From the Command drop-down list, select the operation to schedule. The dialog layout changes according to the operation choice:

    • Create - creates a snapshot

    • Check - checks if the specified snapshot is valid (not broken) and can be restored

    • Move - moves the snapshot data to a selected location

    • Delete - deletes the snapshot data

  4. Fill out the dialog fields as described in the corresponding section below.

  5. Click Set up.

The new schedule appears in the list - see Viewing Schedules.


If you selected the Create command for the new schedule, the layout of the Set up schedule dialog changes as follows.

Create Create Schedules
  1. From the Compression drop-down list, select the snapshot’s data compression option:

    • Default compression - the data is compressed as defined by the cluster configuration

    • No compression - the data is saved uncompressed

    • 1…​9 - the compression level for the ZIP compression

  2. From the Base full snapshot frequency drop-down list, select a frequency for the full snapshot the schedule will initiate. If you select Custom, enter the snapshot running expression in the adjacent Cron expression field.

  3. Optionally, from the Incremental snapshot frequency drop-down list, select a frequency for the incremental snapshot the schedule will initiate (based in the full snapshot you selected scheduled in the previous step). Leaving the None (default) value in this field means "no incremental snapshot." If you select Custom, enter the snapshot running expression in the adjacent Cron expression field.

  4. To include in the snapshot only a specific cache, clear the Include all caches in the snapshot check box, then enter the required cache’s name in the Cache name field that appears.


If you selected the Check command for the new schedule, the layout of the Set up schedule dialog changes as follows.

Create Check Schedule
  1. From the Repeat type drop-down list, select a frequency for the snapshot Check operation. If you select Custom, enter the operation running expression in the adjacent Cron expression field.

  2. Alternatively, make the Check schedule dependent on another schedule ("base schedule"):

    1. Select the Execute after a successful completion of another schedule check box.

    2. From the Schedule name drop-down list that appears, select the "base" schedule.

  3. In the Retention duration section, from the Define as drop-down list, select an option:

    • Time to Live (TTL) - check snapshots with a specific TTL. You need to enter the Time to live value (number of units) and select the unit from the adjacent drop-down list.

    • Oldest snapshots - check the oldest snapshots. You need to specify how many snapshots to check in the Number of snapshots field.

    • Latest snapshots - check the most recent snapshots. You need to specify how many snapshots to check in the Number of snapshots field.


If you selected the Move command for the new schedule, the layout of the Set up schedule dialog changes as follows.

Create Move Schedule
  1. In the Destination path to folders with snapshots, enter a valid path.

  2. From the Repeat type drop-down list, select a frequency for the snapshot Move operation. If you select Custom, enter the operation running expression in the adjacent Cron expression field.

  3. Alternatively, make the Move schedule dependent on another schedule ("base schedule"):

    1. Select the Execute after a successful completion of another schedule check box.

    2. From the Schedule name drop-down list that appears, select the "base" schedule.

  4. In the Retention duration section, from the Define as drop-down list, select an option:

    • Time to Live (TTL) - move snapshots with a specific TTL. You need to enter the Time to live value (number of units) and select the unit from the adjacent drop-down list.

    • Oldest snapshots - move the oldest snapshots. You need to specify how many snapshots to move in the Number of snapshots field.

    • Latest snapshots - move the most recent snapshots. You need to specify how many snapshots to move in the Number of snapshots field.


If you selected the Delete command for the new schedule, the layout of the Set up schedule dialog changes as follows.

Create Delete Schedule
  1. From the Repeat type drop-down list, select a frequency for the snapshot Delete operation. If you select Custom, enter the operation running expression in the adjacent Cron expression field.

  2. Alternatively, make the Delete schedule dependent on another schedule ("base schedule"):

    1. Select the Execute after a successful completion of another schedule check box.

    2. From the Schedule name drop-down list that appears, select the "base" schedule.

  3. In the Retention duration section, from the Define as drop-down list, select an option:

    • Time to Live (TTL) - delete snapshots with a specific TTL. You need to enter the Time to live value (number of units) and select the unit from the adjacent drop-down list.

    • Oldest snapshots - delete the oldest snapshots. You need to specify how many snapshots to delete in the Number of snapshots field.

    • Latest snapshots - check the most recent snapshots. You need to specify how many snapshots to delete in the Number of snapshots field.

  4. In the Number of snapshots to keep field, enter the number of snapshots to be exempt from the Delete operation.

Viewing Operation History

To view operation history for a schedule (all the instances when a snapshot was run according to that schedule):

  • From the schedule’s context menu, select View operation history.

The schedule’s history shows in the Operation History tab.

Disabling and Enabling Schedules

To disable a schedule:

  1. From the schedule’s context menu, select Disable.

  2. In the confirmation dialog that opens, click Disable.

To enable a previously disabled schedule:

  1. From the schedule’s context menu, select Enable.

  2. In the confirmation dialog that opens, click Enable.

Removing Schedules

To permanently delete a schedule:

  1. From the schedule’s context menu, select Remove.

  2. In the confirmation dialog that opens, click Remove.