GridGain Developers Hub

DR Receiver Tab for GridGain 8 Clusters

The DR receiver tab (dashboard) displays statistics that pertain to the receiver nodes participating in Data Center Replication (DR).

dr receiver 1

The DR receiver dashboard contains the following widgets.


This is a metric line chart that enables you to detect issues in the DR process. It displays:

  • BatchesInFlight - the number of batches that had been sent by the sender and have not been acknowledged yet

Replication Progress

This is a metric line chart that provides a quick overview of the overall health and performance of the DR process. The metrics are collected in increments. They are reset when a node is restarted. The chart displays:

  • EntriesSent sum - the total count of entries sent to the receiver caches; does not include retries

  • EntriesAcked sum - the total count of entries acknowledged by the receiver data center

  • EntriesReceived sum - the total count of entries received from the sender; includes retries


This widget helps you examine the DR topology and receiver node configurations. This is the same Nodes widget that is included in the Default dashboard, with the following extra columns:

  • Receiver - whether the node is a receiver (YES/NO)

  • Receiver addresses - the IP address of the node for DR purposes

Remote Senders

This widget lists the clusters (data centers) that serve as senders to the current receiver cluster. It provides the Replication Progress statistics in a tabular form, per sender cluster.