GridGain Developers Hub

Attaching a GridGain 9 Cluster

This page explains how to attach a GridGain 9 cluster to Control Center.

You can attach as many clusters as your license supports.

Start the Cluster

  1. Follow the GridGain 9 documentation to start the cluster.

  2. Copy aside the URL address of the cluster as you will need it to connect to the cluster from within Control Center.

Enable Connection to Secured Clusters

If your cluster is secured (has SSL/TLS configured), and if it uses self-signed certificates, you need to pass the cluster’s trust store parameters to Control Center. This can be done by setting up the JVM_OPTS environment variable:

JVM_OPTS=-Xms1g -Xmx2g -server -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=256m -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=1g

Attach the Cluster to Control Center

To attach the cluster to Control Center:

  1. Click the + icon on the Control Center toolbar.

  2. In he Attach cluster dialog that opens, select the GridGain 9 tab.

    Attach GridGain 9 cluster
  3. In the URL of the GridGain REST API field, enter the cluster URL.

  4. If you are attaching a secure cluster, enter Username and Password that correspond to the credentials of one of the users included in the cluster configuration.

  5. Click Continue.

    The dialog indicates that the cluster has been found.

    GridGain 9 cluster found
  6. Click Attach.

The attached cluster displays in the My cluster screen.

It’s status is Uninitialized. You must initialize the cluster to enable monitoring and management activities.