GridGain Developers Hub

GridGain 8.9.18 Release Notes


GridGain 8.9.18 is a release fully dedicated to bringing vector search to your GridGain caches.

Changes in Behavior

Required Library for Java 8 Support

Starting with this release, GridGain uses Lucene 9 by default. As Lucene 9 requires Java 11, it will be impossible to run GridGain on Java 8 with default configuration.

To continue using Java 8, replace the {GRIDGAIN_HOME}/libs/ignite-lucene-9 folder with {GRIDGAIN_HOME}/libs/optional/ignite-lucene-8.

Support for Full Text Search in Java 8

With this release, full text search is again supported when running Java 8.

New Features

Composite Authenticator

This release provides support for composite authenticator. You can use this authenticator to provide multiple ways of authentication to the cluster.

The example below shows how you can configure composite authenticator:

<bean class="" id="server.cred">
    <constructor-arg value="server"/>
    <constructor-arg value="password"/>

<bean class="" id="client.cred">
    <constructor-arg value="client"/>
    <constructor-arg value="password"/>

<bean id="grid.custom.cfg" class="org.apache.ignite.configuration.IgniteConfiguration">
    <property name="pluginConfigurations">
         <bean class="org.gridgain.grid.configuration.GridGainConfiguration">
           <property name="authenticator">
             <bean class="">
               <property name="authenticators">

                   <bean class="">
                     <property name="aclProvider">
                       <bean class="">
                               <key><ref bean="server.cred"/></key>
                               <key><ref bean="client.cred"/></key>

                   <bean class="">
                     <property name="permissionsJson">
                             <bean class="">
                               <constructor-arg type="java.lang.String" value="CN=client\\b.*"/>

// Configure passcode authentication.
SecurityCredentials serverCreds = new SecurityCredentials("server", "password");
SecurityCredentials clientCreds = new SecurityCredentials("client", "password");
GridPasscodeAuthenticator passcodeAuth = new GridPasscodeAuthenticator();
passcodeAuth.setAclProvider(new GridAuthenticationAclBasicProvider(
    F.asMap(serverCreds, "{defaultAllow:true}", clientCreds, "{defaultAllow:false}")));

// Configure certificate authentication.
CertificateAuthenticator certificateAuth = new CertificateAuthenticator();
    F.asMap(new SubjectRegexPredicate("CN=client\\b.*"), "{defaultAllow:true}")

// Create a composite authenticator using both passcode and certificate authentication.
CompositeAuthenticator auth = new CompositeAuthenticator();
auth.setAuthenticators(F.asList(passcodeAuth, certificateAuth));

// Override default authentication.
GridPluginConfiguration pluginCfg = new GridPluginConfiguration();

IgniteConfiguration igniteCfg = new IgniteConfiguration();

// Start GridGain.
Ignite ignite = Ignition.start(igniteCfg);
This API is not presently available for .NET/C#. You can use XML configuration.
This API is not presently available for C++. You can use XML configuration.

For more information on configuring composite authentication, see Composite Authentication

OpenID Authenticator

With this release, you can configure OpenID authenticator on the cluster for working with Control Center. When configured, and a user logged in to Control Center via OpenID, the same Open ID Connect session will be used to authenticate user on the cluster.

The example below shows how to configure GridGain to support OpenID authentication:

<!-- Credentials for the current node. -->
<bean id="node.cred" class="">
    <constructor-arg value="admin"/>
    <constructor-arg value="admin_password"/>

<!-- Control Center user credentials. -->
<bean id="cc_login.user.cred" class="">
    <constructor-arg value="cc_password"/>
    <constructor-arg value="default"/>

<bean class="org.apache.ignite.configuration.IgniteConfiguration" >
    <property name="pluginConfigurations">
        <bean class="org.gridgain.grid.configuration.GridGainConfiguration">
            <property name="authenticator">
                <bean class="">
                    <property name="authenticators">
                            <bean class="">
                                <!-- Set acl provider. -->
                                <property name="aclProvider">
                                    <bean class="">
                                                <entry key-ref="node.cred" value="{defaultAllow:true}"/>
                                                <entry key-ref="cc_login.user.cred" value="{defaultAllow:true, {cache:'allow_cache', permissions:[CACHE_READ, CACHE_PUT, CACHE_REMOVE]},{cache:'deny_cache', permissions:[]}}"/>
                            <bean class="">
                                <property name="userInfoUrl" value=""/>
                                <property name="permissionsJson">
                                        <entry key="admin" value="{defaultAllow:true}"/>
                                        <entry key="read" value="{defaultAllow:false,{cache:'*',permissions:[CACHE_READ]}}"/>
// Set the passcode auth for the cluster.
GridPasscodeAuthenticator passcodeAuth = new GridPasscodeAuthenticator();
passcodeAuth.setAclProvider(new GridAuthenticationAclBasicProvider(
    F.asMap(cc_login.user.cred, jsonSpec1)));

// Set up OpenID authenticator for Control Center.
OpenIdAuthenticator openIdAuth = new OpenIdAuthenticator();
openIdAuth.setPermissionsJson(F.asMap(cacheAccess, jsonSpec1));

// Set up composite authenticator with passcode and OpenID authenticators.
CompositeAuthenticator auth = new CompositeAuthenticator();
auth.setAuthenticators(F.asList(passcodeAuth, openIdAuth));

// Override default authentication.
IgniteConfiguration igniteCfg = new IgniteConfiguration();
GridPluginConfiguration gCfg = new GridPluginConfiguration();

// Start GridGain.
Ignite ignite = Ignition.start(igniteCfg);
This API is not presently available for .NET/C#. You can use XML configuration.
This API is not presently available for C++. You can use XML configuration.

For more information on configuring OpenID authentication, see Control Center OpenID Authentication.

Improvements and Fixed Issues

Community Edition Changes

Issue ID Category Description


Cluster Storage Engine

Some logs that were moved to information level were moved back to debug level.


Cluster SQL Engine

DISABLE_CREATE_LUCENE_INDEX_FOR_STRING system property is no longer supported.


Platforms & Thin Clients

ODBC logs now include operation timeout.


Cluster Affinity and Baseline Topology

Changing baseline will not activate cluster that is currently in read-only mode.

Enterprise Edition Changes

Issue ID Category Description



Updated netty-handler from version 4.1.115.Final to version to 4.1.119.Final.



Updated json-smart from version 2.5.0 to version to 2.5.2.



Updated jetty versions from version 9.4.53.v20231009 to version 9.4.57.v20241219.


Cluster SQL Engine

You can now use fulltext search when running GridGain on Java 8.


Modules and Packaging

Fixed a CVE that allowed RCE on GridGain nodes under specific conditions.


Cluster Data Replication

Fixed DR counters issue that could happen when restoring snapshot with empty partitions.


Cluster Security

Added support for composite authenticator.


Modules and Packaging

GridGain-specific errors now use GG prefix instead of IGN.

Control Center Agent Changes

Issue ID Category Description


Control Center Agent

Added support for a new OpenID authenticator.

Installation and Upgrade Information

See the Rolling Upgrades page for information about how to perform automated upgrades and for details about version compatibility.

Migrating from GridGain 8.9.17 or Earlier With Java 8

Starting GridGain 8.9.18, GridGain uses Lucene 9 by default. As Lucene 9 requires Java 11, it will be impossible to run GridGain on Java 8 with default configuration.

To continue using Java 8 when migrating to GridGain 8.9.18 or later, replace the {GRIDGAIN_HOME}/libs/ignite-lucene-9 folder with {GRIDGAIN_HOME}/libs/optional/ignite-lucene-8.

Migrating From GridGain 8.9.0

GridGain 8.9.1 introduced a large number of changes in default configuration values. Your setup may be affected if you are using default configuration.

When migrating to GridGain 8.9.18, make sure to check Changed Default Values in GridGain 8.9.1 and Later section for any parameters you need to change.

Migrating From GridGain 8.X

When migrating from GridGain 8.8 to GridGain 8.9, no special actions are required for core functionality migration. By using rolling upgrades, you can update from any GridGain version listed below. You may need to perform minor configuration changes to ensure stability post migration.

  • If you are using GridGain Enterprise or Ultimate, the COPY command was reworked as described in the [COPY Command Changes] section. The syntax for working with CSV remains the same, but the path is now calculated on the node and the client. This change does not affect GridGain Community edition.

    To disable this behavior and use the old copy command, pass the disabledFeatures=SERVER_BULK_LOAD parameter in the JDBC connection command:

  • If you are using one of the optional modules listed in the [Removed Modules] section, they will continue to work, but compatibility and stability on GridGain 8.9 is not guaranteed. Consider using the alternatives:

  • If you are using default values in your configuration, you may need to set them manually to keep you cluster working the same way as in previous versions. Make sure to check Changed Default Values in GridGain 8.9.1 and Later section for any parameters you need to change.

Older GridGain Versions Compatibility

Below is a list of versions that are compatible with the current version. You can rolling-upgrade from any of those. Compatibility with other versions is not guaranteed. If you are on a version that is not listed, contact GridGain for information on upgrade options.

8.8.4, 8.8.13, 8.8.18, 8.8.22, 8.8.24, 8.8.27, 8.8.37, 8.8.39, 8.8.43, 8.8.44, 8.9.0, 8.9.1, 8.9.5, 8.9.9, 8.9.12, 8.9.13, 8.9.14, 8.9.15, 8.9.16, 8.9.16-p1, 8.9.17

Apache Ignite Versions Compatibility

Below is a list of versions that are tested for basic compatibility with the current version. If you are on a version that is not listed, contact GridGain for information on upgrade options.

2.11.1, 2.12.0, 2.13.0, 2.14.0, 2.15.0

Known Limitations

Java 8 Support in GridGain 8.9.18 and Later

Starting GridGain 8.9.18, GridGain uses Lucene 9 by default. As Lucene 9 requires Java 11, it will be impossible to run GridGain on Java 8 with default configuration.

We recommend switching to Java 11 or later before updating to GridGain 8.9.18 or later.

To continue using Java 8, replace the {GRIDGAIN_HOME}/libs/ignite-lucene-9 folder with {GRIDGAIN_HOME}/libs/optional/ignite-lucene-8.

Unsupported Features When Using Java 8 in GridGain 8.9.17

In GridGain 8.9.17, full text search is not supported when GridGain is running on Java 8. The new vector search feature requires using Java 11.

Additionally, GridGain 8.9.16 or earlier automatically created full text indexes for caches with string values, which may cause issues for working with the cache while using Java 8. To avoid this behavior, set the sql.disableCreateLuceneIndexForStringValueType property to true. If such index is already built for a cache with persistence, contact our support team for assistance with removing it.

We recommend switching to Java 11 or later before updating to GridGain 8.9.17 if you plan to use these features.

Changed Permissions for Control Center Agent in GridGain 8.9.4 and Later

GridGain 8.9.4 introduced stricter permissions checking for Control Center Agent. When running secured clusters, some actions that previously were available without permissions, will now require additional permissions.

Before updating, make sure to provide the required permissions, otherwise some actions may become unavailable.

New TRACING_CONFIGURATION_UPDATE Permission in GridGain 8.9.2 and Later

GridGain 8.9.2 introduced the TRACING_CONFIGURATION_UPDATE permission. If you were using security on a cluster before updating to this version, make sure that you provide the permissions to control utilities or users who need to update cluster permissions. Otherwise, they will not be able to update

Changed Default Values in GridGain 8.9.1 and Later

If you are updating from GridGain 8.8.X or 8.9.0, a large number of default values have been changed.

These changes may affect the stability or performance of your cluster if you are using default values.

We recommend checking the list below to make sure the changes do not have an adverse effect, and setting the value manually if necessary.

  • Service processor now use event-driven implementation by default. You can keep the old behavior by setting the IGNITE_EVENT_DRIVEN_SERVICE_PROCESSOR_ENABLE property to false. Make sure that all nodes in the cluster are set to the same value. See Services documentation for more information.

  • Data region metrics are now enabled by default. This may have a minor (within 2%) adverse effect on performance. You can keep the old behavior by setting the DataRegionConfiguration.metricsEnabled value to false.

  • Data storage metrics are now enabled by default. This may have a minor (within 2%) adverse effect on performance. You can keep the old behavior by setting the DataStorageConfiguration.metricsEnabled value to false.

  • TcpCommunicationSpi communication protocol now has a limit of 4096 messages for the outgoing messages queue by default.

  • Atomic operations are now not allowed in transactions by default. You can keep the old behavior by setting the IGNITE_ALLOW_ATOMIC_OPS_IN_TX value to true.

  • Logs are now in verbose mode by default. You can use the -q command line argument in the script to keep current log behavior.

  • SQL queries are now loaded lazily by default. This reduces memory consumption on medium and large queries and potentially improves garbage collection performance. You can keep the old behavior by setting the SqlFieldsQuery.setLazy(false).

  • Cache entries are now read from primary partitions by default, even if an entry is available on the node in a backup partition. This may have a minor performance impact, but significantly increases cluster stability. You can keep the old behavior by setting the readFromBackup property to true.

  • Partition map exchange transactions now time out after 1 minute instead of 0 (infinite) by default. You can keep the old timeout by setting the TX_TIMEOUT_ON_PARTITION_MAP_EXCHANGE setting to 0.

  • Data streamer now overwrites entries by default. You can keep the old behavior by setting the stmr.allowOverwrite property to false.

  • TCP discovery now uses static IP finder TcpDiscoveryVmIpFinder by default. To keep the old behavior, set the IP finder to use multicast IP finder.

  • Checkpointing process now starts upon reaching 75% of minWalArchiveSize instead of 25%. You can keep the old behavior by setting the IGNITE_CHECKPOINT_TRIGGER_ARCHIVE_SIZE_PERCENTAGE system variable to 0.25.