Data Streaming
GridGain provides a Data Streaming API that can be used to inject large amounts of continuous streams of data into a GridGain cluster. The Data Streaming API is designed to be scalable and fault-tolerant, and provides at-least-once delivery semantics for the data streamed into GridGain, meaning each entry is processed at least once.
Data is streamed into a cache via a data streamer associated with the cache. Data streamers automatically buffer the data and group it into batches for better performance and send it in parallel to multiple nodes.
The Data Streaming API provides the following features:
The data that is added to a data streamer is automatically partitioned and distributed between the nodes.
You can process the data concurrently in a colocated fashion.
Clients can perform concurrent SQL queries on the data as it is being streamed in.
Data Streamers
A data streamer is associated with a specific cache and provides an interface for streaming data into the cache.
In a typical scenario, you obtain a data streamer and use one of its methods to stream data into the cache, and GridGain takes care of data partitioning and colocation by batching data entries according to partitioning rules to avoid unnecessary data movement.
You can obtain the data streamer for a specific cache as follows:
// Get the data streamer reference and stream data.
try (IgniteDataStreamer<Integer, String> stmr = ignite.dataStreamer("myCache")) {
// Stream entries.
for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
stmr.addData(i, Integer.toString(i));
System.out.println("dataStreamerExample output:" + cache.get(99999));
In the Java version of GridGain, a data streamer is an implementation of the IgniteDataStreamer
interface. IgniteDataStreamer
provides a number of add(…)
methods for adding key-value pairs to caches. Refer to the IgniteDataStreamer javadoc for the complete list of methods.
using (var stmr = ignite.GetDataStreamer<int, string>("myCache"))
for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
stmr.Add(i, i.ToString());
This API is not presently available for C++.
Avoiding Overwriting Existing Keys
By default, data streamers overwrite existing data. You can change that behavior by setting the allowOverwrite
property of the data streamer to false
stmr.AllowOverwrite = false;
This API is not presently available for C++.
Processing Data
In cases when you need to execute custom logic before adding new data, you can use a stream receiver. A stream receiver is used to process the data in a colocated manner before it is stored into the cache. The logic implemented in a stream receiver is executed on the node where data is to be stored.
try (IgniteDataStreamer<Integer, String> stmr = ignite.dataStreamer("myCache")) {
stmr.receiver((StreamReceiver<Integer, String>) (cache, entries) -> entries.forEach(entry -> {
// do something with the entry
cache.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
private class MyStreamReceiver : IStreamReceiver<int, string>
public void Receive(ICache<int, string> cache, ICollection<ICacheEntry<int, string>> entries)
foreach (var entry in entries)
// do something with the entry
cache.Put(entry.Key, entry.Value);
public static void StreamReceiverDemo()
var ignite = Ignition.Start();
using (var stmr = ignite.GetDataStreamer<int, string>("myCache"))
stmr.AllowOverwrite = false;
stmr.Receiver = new MyStreamReceiver();
This API is not presently available for C++.
Stream Transformer
A stream transformer is a convenient implementation of a stream receiver, that updates the data in the stream. Stream transformers take advantage of the colocation feature and update the data on the node where it is going to be stored.
In the example below, we use a stream transformer to increment a counter for each distinct word found in the text stream.
String[] text = { "hello", "world", "hello", "gridgain" };
CacheConfiguration<String, Long> cfg = new CacheConfiguration<>("wordCountCache");
IgniteCache<String, Long> stmCache = ignite.getOrCreateCache(cfg);
try (IgniteDataStreamer<String, Long> stmr = ignite.dataStreamer(stmCache.getName())) {
// Allow data updates.
// Configure data transformation to count instances of the same word.
stmr.receiver(StreamTransformer.from((e, arg) -> {
// Get current count.
Long val = e.getValue();
// Increment count by 1.
e.setValue(val == null ? 1L : val + 1);
return null;
// Stream words into the streamer cache.
for (String word : text)
stmr.addData(word, 1L);
class MyEntryProcessor : ICacheEntryProcessor<string, long, object, object>
public object Process(IMutableCacheEntry<string, long> e, object arg)
//get current count
var val = e.Value;
//increment count by 1
e.Value = val == 0 ? 1L : val + 1;
return null;
public static void StreamTransformerDemo()
var ignite = Ignition.Start(new IgniteConfiguration
DiscoverySpi = new TcpDiscoverySpi
LocalPort = 48500,
LocalPortRange = 20,
IpFinder = new TcpDiscoveryStaticIpFinder
Endpoints = new[]
var cfg = new CacheConfiguration("wordCountCache");
var stmCache = ignite.GetOrCreateCache<string, long>(cfg);
using (var stmr = ignite.GetDataStreamer<string, long>(stmCache.Name))
//Allow data updates
stmr.AllowOverwrite = false;
//Configure data transformation to count instances of the same word
stmr.Receiver = new StreamTransformer<string, long, object, object>(new MyEntryProcessor());
//stream words into the streamer cache
foreach (var word in GetWords())
stmr.Add(word, 1L);
static IEnumerable<string> GetWords()
//populate words list somehow
return Enumerable.Repeat("a", 3).Concat(Enumerable.Repeat("b", 2));
This API is not presently available for C++.
Stream Visitor
A stream visitor is another implementation of a stream receiver, which visits every key-value pair in the stream. The visitor does not update the cache. If a pair needs to be stored in the cache, one of the put(…)
methods must be called explicitly.
In the example below, we have 2 caches: "marketData", and "instruments". We receive market data ticks and put them into the streamer for the "marketData" cache. The stream visitor for the "marketData" streamer is invoked on the cluster member mapped to the particular market symbol. Upon receiving individual market ticks it updates the "instrument" cache with the latest market price.
Note, that we do not update the "marketData" cache at all, leaving it empty. We simply use it for colocated processing of the market data within the cluster directly on the node where the data is stored.
static class Instrument {
final String symbol;
Double latest;
Double high;
Double low;
public Instrument(String symbol) {
this.symbol = symbol;
static Map<String, Double> getMarketData() {
//populate market data somehow
return new HashMap<>();
public static void streamVisitorExample() {
try (Ignite ignite = Ignition.start()) {
CacheConfiguration<String, Double> mrktDataCfg = new CacheConfiguration<>("marketData");
CacheConfiguration<String, Instrument> instCfg = new CacheConfiguration<>("instruments");
// Cache for market data ticks streamed into the system.
IgniteCache<String, Double> mrktData = ignite.getOrCreateCache(mrktDataCfg);
// Cache for financial instruments.
IgniteCache<String, Instrument> instCache = ignite.getOrCreateCache(instCfg);
try (IgniteDataStreamer<String, Double> mktStmr = ignite.dataStreamer("marketData")) {
// Note that we do not populate the 'marketData' cache (it remains empty).
// Instead we update the 'instruments' cache based on the latest market price.
mktStmr.receiver(StreamVisitor.from((cache, e) -> {
String symbol = e.getKey();
Double tick = e.getValue();
Instrument inst = instCache.get(symbol);
if (inst == null)
inst = new Instrument(symbol);
// Update instrument price based on the latest market tick.
inst.high = Math.max(inst.high, tick);
inst.low = Math.min(inst.low, tick);
inst.latest = tick;
// Update the instrument cache.
instCache.put(symbol, inst);
// Stream market data into the cluster.
Map<String, Double> marketData = getMarketData();
for (Map.Entry<String, Double> tick : marketData.entrySet())
class Instrument
public readonly string Symbol;
public double Latest { get; set; }
public double High { get; set; }
public double Low { get; set; }
public Instrument(string symbol)
this.Symbol = symbol;
private static Dictionary<string, double> getMarketData()
//populate market data somehow
return new Dictionary<string, double>
["foo"] = 1.0,
["foo"] = 2.0,
["foo"] = 3.0
public static void StreamVisitorDemo()
var ignite = Ignition.Start(new IgniteConfiguration
DiscoverySpi = new TcpDiscoverySpi
LocalPort = 48500,
LocalPortRange = 20,
IpFinder = new TcpDiscoveryStaticIpFinder
Endpoints = new[]
var mrktDataCfg = new CacheConfiguration("marketData");
var instCfg = new CacheConfiguration("instruments");
// Cache for market data ticks streamed into the system
var mrktData = ignite.GetOrCreateCache<string, double>(mrktDataCfg);
// Cache for financial instruments
var instCache = ignite.GetOrCreateCache<string, Instrument>(instCfg);
using (var mktStmr = ignite.GetDataStreamer<string, double>("marketData"))
// Note that we do not populate 'marketData' cache (it remains empty).
// Instead we update the 'instruments' cache based on the latest market price.
mktStmr.Receiver = new StreamVisitor<string, double>((cache, e) =>
var symbol = e.Key;
var tick = e.Value;
Instrument inst = instCache.Get(symbol);
if (inst == null)
inst = new Instrument(symbol);
// Update instrument price based on the latest market tick.
inst.High = Math.Max(inst.High, tick);
inst.Low = Math.Min(inst.Low, tick);
inst.Latest = tick;
var marketData = getMarketData();
foreach (var tick in marketData)
This API is not presently available for C++.
Configuring Data Streamer Thread Pool Size
The data streamer thread pool is dedicated to process messages coming from the data streamers.
The default pool size is max(8, total number of cores)
Use IgniteConfiguration.setDataStreamerThreadPoolSize(…)
to change the pool size.
<bean class="org.apache.ignite.configuration.IgniteConfiguration">
<property name="dataStreamerThreadPoolSize" value="10"/>
<!-- other properties -->
IgniteConfiguration cfg = new IgniteConfiguration();
Ignite ignite = Ignition.start(cfg);
This API is not presently available for C#/.NET. You can use XML configuration.
This API is not presently available for C++. You can use XML configuration.
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