Full and Incremental Snapshots
GridGain provides the ability to create snapshots of data stored cluster-wide, that can later be used for cluster recovery purposes. Snapshots taken from one cluster can also be applied on the second cluster. Snapshotting capability is tightly coupled with Ignite Native Persistence and can be used only when the latter is active.
Essentially, GridGain snapshots are similar to RDBMS backups. The main reason why GridGain snapshots are not called as backups is to avoid the confusion with GridGain backup copies of data stored in the cluster.
It’s feasible to create full offline and online snapshots as well as incremental ones. Having snapshots at hand, they can be used to recover the cluster to a state recorded in a snapshot. Furthermore, the cluster that is planned to be recovered from a snapshot can be of different topology version (different number of data nodes) than the original one. For instance, you can create snapshots of a production cluster and use the snapshots in a testing environment with a different number of cluster nodes.
Enabling Snapshots
Snapshot capabilities are based on and implemented with the usage of Ignite Native Persistence and overall Durable Memory architecture.
To enable the snapshots component, Native Persistence has to be activated first, as shown below:
<bean class="org.apache.ignite.configuration.IgniteConfiguration">
<!-- Enabling the Ignite Native Persistence. -->
<property name="dataStorageConfiguration">
<bean class="org.apache.ignite.configuration.DataStorageConfiguration">
<property name="defaultDataRegionConfiguration">
<bean class="org.apache.ignite.configuration.DataRegionConfiguration">
<property name="persistenceEnabled" value="true"/>
<!-- Enabling the snapshots. -->
<property name="pluginConfigurations">
<bean class="org.gridgain.grid.configuration.GridGainConfiguration">
<property name="snapshotConfiguration">
<bean class="org.gridgain.grid.configuration.SnapshotConfiguration"/>
IgniteConfiguration cfg = new IgniteConfiguration();
//Enabling the Persistent Store.
DataStorageConfiguration dataStorageCfg = new DataStorageConfiguration();
GridGainConfiguration ggCfg = new GridGainConfiguration();
SnapshotConfiguration snapshotCfg = new SnapshotConfiguration();
//Enabling the snapshots.
var cfg = new IgniteConfiguration
// Enabling the Persistent Store.
DataStorageConfiguration = new DataStorageConfiguration
DefaultDataRegionConfiguration = new DataRegionConfiguration
Name = "Default_Region",
PersistenceEnabled = true
// Enabling the snapshots.
PluginConfigurations = new[]
new GridGainPluginConfiguration()
SnapshotConfiguration = new SnapshotConfiguration()
This API is not presently available for C++. You can use XML configuration.
By default, snapshots are stored on a local file system of cluster nodes under IGNITE_HOME\work\snapshot
folder. To change the snapshots location, use the SnapshotConfiguration.setSnapshotsPath(…)
method as shown below:
<bean class="org.apache.ignite.configuration.IgniteConfiguration">
<!-- Enabling the Ignite Native Persistence. -->
<property name="dataStorageConfiguration">
<bean class="org.apache.ignite.configuration.DataStorageConfiguration">
<property name="defaultDataRegionConfiguration">
<bean class="org.apache.ignite.configuration.DataRegionConfiguration">
<property name="persistenceEnabled" value="true"/>
<!-- Enabling the snapshots. -->
<property name="pluginConfigurations">
<bean class="org.gridgain.grid.configuration.GridGainConfiguration">
<property name="snapshotConfiguration">
<bean class="org.gridgain.grid.configuration.SnapshotConfiguration">
<property name="snapshotsPath" value="/etc/snapshots/"/>
IgniteConfiguration cfg = new IgniteConfiguration();
//Enabling the Persistent Store.
DataStorageConfiguration dataStorageCfg = new DataStorageConfiguration();
GridGainConfiguration ggCfg = new GridGainConfiguration();
SnapshotConfiguration snapshotCfg = new SnapshotConfiguration();
// Changing default path
//Enabling the snapshots.
var cfg = new IgniteConfiguration
// Enabling the Persistent Store.
DataStorageConfiguration = new DataStorageConfiguration
DefaultDataRegionConfiguration = new DataRegionConfiguration
Name = "Default_Region",
PersistenceEnabled = true
// Enabling the snapshots.
PluginConfigurations = new[]
new GridGainPluginConfiguration()
SnapshotConfiguration = new SnapshotConfiguration()
// Changing default path.
SnapshotsPath = "/local/snasphot/store/path"
This API is not presently available for C++.
Snapshots APIs and Tools
Once you enabled snapshotting, use one of the following approaches for snapshot creation, management, and recovery:
Java API - Snapshots related API is provided through the
interface. To see how to use this API in practice, refer toorg.gridgain.examples.snapshots.SnapshotsExample
, included with the GridGain Ultimate Edition examples.
Full Snapshots
A full snapshot holds a full copy of the cluster data at a given point of time. By default, data of all the caches will be stored in a snapshot. However, GridGain provides the option to make a full snapshot including the content of specific caches only.
Creating Full Snapshots
To create a full snapshot programmatically, use the GridDatabase.createFullSnapshot(…)
Full Snapshot
// Get a reference to GridGain plugin.
GridGain gg = ignite.plugin(GridGain.PLUGIN_NAME);
// Get a reference to the Snapshots.
GridSnapshot storage = gg.snapshot();
// Create the snapshot. Data of all the caches will be added to the snapshot.
SnapshotFuture snapshotFut = storage.createFullSnapshot(null,
"Snapshot has been created!");
// Wait while the snapshot is being created.
var ignite = Ignition.Start(cfg);
// Get a reference to grid snapshot API.
var snap = ignite.GetSnapshot();
// Create the snapshot. Data of all the caches will be added to the snapshot.
var task = snap.CreateFullSnapshotAsync(null, "Snapshot has been created!");
// Wait while the snapshot is being created.
This API is not presently available for C++.
Full Snapshot for Specific Caches
// Get a reference to GridGain plugin.
IgniteCache<Integer, String> orgCache = ignite.getOrCreateCache("organization");
orgCache.put(1, "first_org");
GridGain gg = ignite.plugin(GridGain.PLUGIN_NAME);
// Get a reference to the Snapshots.
GridSnapshot storage = gg.snapshot();
// Create the snapshot. Data of all the caches will be added to the snapshot.
SnapshotFuture snapshotFut = storage.createFullSnapshot(Collections.singleton("organization"),
"Snapshot has been created!");
// Wait while the snapshot is being created.
var ignite = Ignition.Start(cfg);
var orgCache = ignite.GetOrCreateCache<int, string>("organization");
orgCache.Put(1, "first_org");
// Get a reference to grid snapshot API.
var snap = ignite.GetSnapshot();
// Create the snapshot. Data of all the caches will be added to the snapshot.
var task = snap.CreateFullSnapshotAsync(new[] {orgCache.Name}, "Snapshot has been created!");
// Wait while the snapshot is being created.
This API is not presently available for C++.
Once this method is called on one of the cluster nodes, GridGain will take the cluster-wide snapshot asking every individual node to provide its part of the overall snapshot’s data set.
Alternatively, the Snapshots Management Tool can be used for the same purpose. At the implementation layer, these tools use the same Java API shown above.
For instance, to create a full snapshot with Snapshots Management Tool, the following command needs to be sent to the cluster.
Full Snapshot
{gridgain}/bin/snapshot-utility.sh snapshot -type=full
Full Snapshot for Specific Caches
{gridgain}/bin/snapshot-utility.sh snapshot -type=full -caches=organization
Preparing for Restoration from Full Snapshot
To make sure your snapshot is restored correctly, follow these guidelines:
Make sure that all the nodes from the baseline topology are online before restore. Otherwise, the stopped node will not be able to join the cluster until the PDS files for the restored caches are manually deleted for that node.
Stop traffic to the cluster during restoration to avoid possible inconsistencies and failed operations. It is also possible that the data you get from the cache when restoring is incomplete.
Restoring From Full Snapshot
To restore the content of all or specific caches from a previously created snapshot, the snapshot has to be available to the GridSnapshot
The default implementation of this SPI assumes that the content of the snapshot will be spread out across the cluster and every node will hold a part of the snapshot that includes content for partitions for which the node is primary. Removing nodes from the cluster can break snapshots. If you plan on removing nodes from your cluster, first create a network backup.
If the snapshot is going to be restored in a cluster with the same topology version (same number of nodes and same partitions distribution) from the time the snapshot was taken, then you can use the existing APIs and tools. Restoring to a larger cluster (if you have added nodes to the existing cluster) is also supported.
If the number of nodes or the partitions distribution varies in the cluster where the snapshot is to be applied, run the CHECK command before restoring.
If there is a problem, the CHECK command shows the issue. For example:
$ snapshot-utility.sh check id=1565692737236
Command [CHECK -id=1565692737236 -caches=cache1,corruptedCache] started at [2019-08-13 13:38:58]...
Snapshot ID 1565692737236 is broken. Found 1 issues:
Cache: corruptedCache. Found 1 issues:
Partition ID: 1. Issue: Partition was not found!
Command [CHECK] failed with error: 6510 - snapshot is broken.
GridGain Snapshots utility [ver. 2.7.127-SNAPSHOT#20190813-sha1:DEV]
2019 Copyright(C) GridGain Systems
Example of a valid snapshot:
$ snapshot-utility.sh check id=1565692737236
Command [CHECK -id=1565692737236] started at [2019-08-13 13:38:58]...
Snapshot ID 1565692737236 is valid
Command [CHECK] successfully finished in 0 seconds.
GridGain Snapshots utility [ver. 2.7.127-SNAPSHOT#20190813-sha1:DEV]
2019 Copyright(C) GridGain Systems
As soon as the content of the snapshot is spread out properly across the cluster, the cluster can be restored from the snapshot programmatically via GridDatabase.restoreSnapshot(…)
Restoring All Caches
# Getting a list of all the available snapshots.
# The output will include snapshots' IDs.
{gridgain}/bin/snapshot-utility.sh list
# Restoring the cluster to a specific snapshot passing its ID.
{gridgain}/bin/snapshot-utility.sh restore -id=1483663276482
Restoring Specific Caches
# Getting a list of all the available snapshots.
# The output will include snapshots' IDs.
{gridgain}/bin/snapshot-utility.sh list
# Restoring the cluster to a specific snapshot passing its ID.
{gridgain}/bin/snapshot-utility.sh restore -id=1483663276482 -caches=organization
Incremental Snapshots
In incremental snapshots, successive copies of the data contain only that portion that has changed since the preceding full or incremental snapshot copy. When a full recovery is needed, the restoration process needs the last full snapshot, plus all the incremental snapshots up to the point of restoration.
Creating Incremental Snapshots
To create an incremental snapshot programmatically, use GridDatabase.createSnapshot(…)
Incremental Snapshot
// Get a reference to GridGain plugin.
GridGain gg = ignite.plugin(GridGain.PLUGIN_NAME);
// Get a reference to the Snapshots.
GridSnapshot storage = gg.snapshot();
// Create the snapshot. Data of all the caches will be added to the snapshot.
SnapshotFuture snapshotFut = storage.createSnapshot(null,
"Snapshot has been created!");
// Wait while the snapshot is being created.
var ignite = Ignition.Start(cfg);
// Get a reference to grid snapshot API.
var snap = ignite.GetSnapshot();
// Create the snapshot. Data of all the caches will be added to the snapshot.
var task = snap.CreateSnapshotAsync(null, "Snapshot has been created!");
// Wait while the snapshot is being created.
This API is not presently available for C++.
Incremental Snapshot for Specific Caches
// Get a reference to GridGain plugin.
IgniteCache<Integer, String> orgCache = ignite.getOrCreateCache("organization");
orgCache.put(1, "first_org");
GridGain gg = ignite.plugin(GridGain.PLUGIN_NAME);
// Get a reference to the Snapshots.
GridSnapshot storage = gg.snapshot();
// Create the snapshot. Data of all the caches will be added to the snapshot.
SnapshotFuture snapshotFut = storage.createSnapshot(Collections.singleton("organization"),
"Snapshot has been created!");
// Wait while the snapshot is being created.
var ignite = Ignition.Start(cfg);
var orgCache = ignite.GetOrCreateCache<int, string>("organization");
orgCache.Put(1, "first_org");
// Get a reference to grid snapshot API.
var snap = ignite.GetSnapshot();
// Create the snapshot. Data of all the caches will be added to the snapshot.
var task = snap.CreateSnapshotAsync(new[] {orgCache.Name}, "Snapshot has been created!");
// Wait while the snapshot is being created.
This API is not presently available for C++.
Alternatively, Snapshots Management Tool can be used for the same purpose.
For instance, to create an incremental snapshot via the Snapshot Management Tool, send the following command to the cluster:
Incremental Snapshot
{gridgain}/bin/snapshot-utility.sh snapshot
Incremental Snapshot for Specific Caches
{gridgain}/bin/snapshot-utility.sh snapshot -caches=organization
Restoring From Incremental Snapshot
The same API methods and commands described for full snapshots above are used to restore a cluster from an incremental snapshot. The only extra requirement is that you need to provide both the last full snapshot plus all the incremental snapshots up to the point of restoration to the snapshotting API or tool.
Snapshots Creation Flow
Full Snapshot Creation
Snapshot is a distributed operation that is performed with no need to stop your cluster. The transactions can continue while the snapshot is running.
All nodes communicate at the start of the snapshot and agree which transactions will be included in that snapshot. The algorithm ensures that the snapshot is transactionally consistent; i.e., it will not include unfinished or rolled back transactions.
For full snapshots, all data is being copied to a snapshot. When a full snapshot is restored, all of its data is simply copied to the cluster.
Incremental Snapshot Creation
For incremental snapshots, the system maintains information about which data pages were modified after the last snapshot. When an incremental snapshot is being created, only these pages are being copied into the snapshot. Because each incremental snapshot is based on another snapshot, a snapshot chain is formed - a series of one full snapshot and a number of subsequent incremental snapshots.
When an incremental snapshot is restored, all of the snapshots in its chain are restored first, one by one, and then the incremental changes from the incremental snapshot are copied to the cluster.
Snapshot Restoration Flow
This section provides low-level details regarding how snapshot restoration is handled cluster-wide.
Regardless of whether a full or incremental snapshot is restored, the grid first determines the partition distribution across all nodes. After each node determines the set of local partitions, each node fetches the history of incremental snapshots starting with the requested snapshot back to the last full snapshot in the cluster.
Then, given the number of pages in the snapshot for each partition, incremental and full backups are merged to the target working directory to assemble a consistent snapshot state. Pages from the last incremental snapshot are copied first to avoid unnecessary copies of the pages that changed multiple times.
Once each node has completed the assembly process, the cache being restored is created cluster-wide.
Changing Parameters During Restoration
During snapshot restoration, you can change cache configuration. This may be useful if, for example, you want to change the parameter that caused an issue while restoring the snapshot.
To do this, you pass a conversionClosure
to the RestoreSnapshotParams
class. For example, if you have clashing cache names you first create a closure for changing cache name:
static class AlterCacheNamesClosure implements IgniteBiClosure<String, CacheConfiguration, CacheConfiguration> {
private final Map<String, String> mapping = new HashMap<>();
public AlterCacheNamesClosure addMapping(String oldCacheName, String newCacheName) {
if (oldCacheName != null && newCacheName != null && !oldCacheName.equals(newCacheName))
mapping.put(oldCacheName, newCacheName);
return this;
public CacheConfiguration apply(String s, CacheConfiguration cacheConfiguration) {
String alteredName = mapping.get(s);
if (alteredName != null) {
return new CacheConfiguration(cacheConfiguration).setName(alteredName);
return cacheConfiguration;
Then, you pass it to RestoreSnapshotParams
instance like this:
RestoreSnapshotParams restoreOptions = prepareRestoreParams(snapshotId)
.conversionClosure(new AlterCacheNamesClosure().addMapping(CACHE_NAME, ALTERED_CACHE_NAME));
There are the following limitations:
To avoid issues with restoration, cache name cannot be changed when restoring to the same cluster. You need to create a snapshot on one cluster, move it to a shared location and then to restore it to another cluster that does not contain a cache with clashing name.
Changing cache name is only supported for caches that are not in a cache group. If you try to rename a cache in a cache group, a new empty cache will be created, but no data is transferred.
This approach can be used to change other snapshot parameters, depending on the new configuration passed to the conversionClosure
. For example, you can change the number of backups instead of changing cache name:
return new CacheConfiguration(cacheConfiguration).setBackups(3);
Snapshot Security
Snapshot Security helps ensure the integrity of each snapshot file and the overall snapshot process.
When enabled, Snapshot Security provides an additional layer of security, protecting data from modification and corruption and from snapshot file version mismatch. It helps eliminate the possibility of accidentally using files from multiple versions of snapshots. For example, suppose you have 2 snapshots: A and B. It may be possible to accidentally use file1.dat and file 2.dat from Snapshot A, and file3.dat from snapshot B by mistake.
Snapshot Security creates a file registry that contains a list of all of the files included in the snapshot, and their cryptographic hashes. Before being restored, snapshots are compared against this registry to ensure they contain the proper files.
Snapshot Security protects files from substitution; however, it does not protect against malicious actions by hackers/etc.
Enable Snapshot Security via the GG_SNAPSHOT_SECURITY_LEVEL
system property.
Parameter | Description |
Snapshot file registry is not created and never validated if present (default). |
Snapshot file registry is included in new snapshots. Existing file registries in snapshots are not verified. |
Snapshot file registry is included in new snapshots. Existing file registries in snapshots DO GET verified. Missing file registries in snapshots are tolerated. |
Snapshot file registry is included in new snapshots. Presence and validity of file registries in all snapshots are required. |
Refer to org.gridgain.examples.snapshots.SnapshotsExample
delivered as part of the GridGain Ultimate Edition to see how to work with snapshots.
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