Kafka Connector Quick Start
Kafka Connect Ecosystem
There are different types of nodes in a distributed Kafka Connect ecosystem. This Kafka documentation uses the following terminology to refer to specific type of a cluster node:
Kafka cluster nodes are called Kafka Brokers
Kafka Connect cluster nodes are called Kafka Connect Workers
GridGain cluster nodes are called GridGain Servers

GridGain Kafka Connector Installation
Kafka Connector installation consists of 3 steps:
Prepare Connector Package
Register Connector with Kafka
Optional: register Connector with GridGain
Step 1: Prepare Connector Package
Kafka Connector is part of GridGain Enterprise or GridGain Ultimate version 8.8.x. The connector is located in the integration/gridgain-kafka-connect
directory in the GridGain installation directory.
Pull missing connector dependencies into the package:
cd $IGNITE_HOME/integration/gridgain-kafka-connect
Step 2: Register GridGain Connector with Kafka
For every Kafka Connect Worker:
Copy connector package directory to where you want Kafka Connectors to be located.
Edit Kafka Connect Worker configuration (
for single-worker Kafka Connect cluster or$KAFKA_HOME/config/connect-distributed.properties
for multiple node Kafka Connect cluster) to register the connector on the plugin path (replaceCONNECTORS_PATH
with directory where you copied the connector package):connect-standalone.propertiesplugin.path=CONNECTORS_PATH/gridgain-kafka-connect
Step 3: Register GridGain Connector with GridGain
On every GridGain server node copy the following JARs into the $IGNITE_HOME/libs
(located on GridGain nodes in the$IGNITE_HOME/integration/gridgain-kafka-connect/lib
directory) -
, located on Kafka Connect workers in the$KAFKA_HOME/libs
directory (or a later version, if you choose to use it)
GridGain Kafka Connector Configuration
SSL Configuration
The GridGain connector is agnostic of the underlying communication channels. To have a secure communication between the GridGain connector and other components, implement SSL using one of the following options:
SSL between the GridGain cluster and GridGain connector - follow the SSL/TLS guide
SSL between Kafka and GridGain connector - use the TLS authentication
Source Properties
The only GridGain Source connector mandatory properties are the connector’s name, class, and path to Ignite configuration describing how to connect to the source GridGain cluster. Here’s what a minimal source connector configuration named "gridgain-kafka-connect-source" might look like:
See Source Connector Configuration for the full properties list.
Sink Properties
The only GridGain Sink connector mandatory properties are the connector’s name, class, list of topics to stream data from and a path to Ignite configuration describing how to connect to the sink GridGain cluster. Here’s what a minimal source connector configuration named "gridgain-kafka-connect-sink" might look like:
See Sink Connector Configuration for the full properties list.
Running Kafka Connect Ecosystem
See Installing and Configuring Kafka Connect for detailed documentation. As a summary, you need to:
Configure and Install Kafka Connectors
Configure and start Zookeeper
Configure and start Kafka brokers
Configure and start Kafka Connect workers
We already reviewed how to configure and install Kafka connectors. Below are shell commands to run Kafka Connect ecosystem on the same host using default zookeeper, broker, and connect worker configuration files (normally you would run each node on a separate host):
$KAFKA_HOME/bin/zookeeper-server-start.sh $KAFKA_HOME/config/zookeeper.properties
$KAFKA_HOME/bin/kafka-server-start.sh $KAFKA_HOME/config/server.properties
$KAFKA_HOME/bin/connect-standalone.sh \
$KAFKA_HOME/config/connect-standalone.properties \
gridgain-kafka-connect-source.properties \
Managing Kafka Connectors
Each Kafka worker exposes REST API to manage Kafka Connectors (available on port 8083
by default). See Kafka Connect REST Interface for information on how to create, remove, pause, and resume connectors as well as see the status of the connectors and tasks.
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