GridGain Resources for Architects

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GridGain produces a wide selection of resources that can help you understand how our in-memory computing platform can fit within your existing or new architectures. Whether your organization needs to speed up and scale out an existing application or you are focused on the development of a new, modern application architecture, our resources can help you understand how GridGain can help. Select from our extensive library of white papers, webinars, case studies, application notes, ebook and more.


Apache® Ignite™ is an open source solution for workloads that can benefit from a converged data platform. Apache Ignite is the world’s only in-memory computing data fabric. It delivers a broad set of features including an ANSI 99 SQL compliant data grid, a streaming grid, a compute grid, and a service grid. Ignite allows users to massively scale out applications and dramatically increase responsiveness without replacing their existing databases. Although Apache Ignite is a broad solution which addresses many important workloads, it also outperforms point solutions for those same workloads.

Join Nikita Ivanov, CTO of GridGain Systems and member of the Project Committee for Apache Ignite, to learn how to boost performance 1,000x and scale to over 1 billion transactions per second with in-memory storage of hundreds of TBs of data for your SQL-based applications.

Nikita will show how Apache Ignite handles auto-loading of SQL schema and data, SQL indexes, compound indexes support, and various forms of SQL queries including distributed SQL joins, joins across caches, predicate-based queries, queries over sliding windows for streaming data, and more.

Watch this deep-dive webinar to learn how to easily share state in-memory across multiple Spark jobs, either within the same application or between different Spark applications using an implementation of Spark RDD abstraction provided in Apache Ignite™.

Are you ready for a deep dive into Apache Ignite™, the high-performance, distributed in-memory data fabric that massively boosts application performance and scale? The on-demand webinar "Anatomy of an In-Memory Data Fabric: JCache and Beyond", is an in-depth look at the architecture of this powerful open source technology that is helping leading edge companies turn Big Data into Fast Data.

The on-demand webinar is designed for people responsible for data processing performance at financial services companies. We will examine a real-life use case of a major global bank that has achieved one billion ACID transactions per second using only commodity hardware and the GridGain In-Memory Computing Platform.

Don't miss this must-see webinar for those in the financial industry seeking to gain a competitive advantage in the battle for low-latency, high-scalability data processing systems.

The Internet of Things (IoT) is still in its very early stages, and is already testing the limits of what traditional data processing technologies are capable handling. One technology will prove to be absolutely essential to enabling the IoT juggernaut to fulfill its true potential — In-Memory Computing.

Don't miss this on-demand deep-dive webinar: "Comparing and Benchmarking Data Grids: Apache Ignite™ vs. Hazelcast" with GridGain co-founder and Apache Ignite™ PMC Chairman Dmitriy Setrakyan.

This is the second session of a two-part series in which Dmitriy Setrakyan, PMC Chairman of Apache Ignite and co-founder and EVP of Engineering at GridGain, demonstrates several coding examples that demonstrate the ease with which Apache Ignite can be implemented in typical environments.

This on-demand webinar titled "From Big Data to Fast Data" features Jason Stamper, Data Platforms & Analytics Analyst for 451 Research, and Nikita Ivanov, co-founder and CTO at GridGain Systems.

Are you ready to learn just how easy Apache Ignite™ is to implement? In this 50-minute on-demand webcast specifically designed for software developers and software architects, Dmitry Setrakyan, GridGain co-founder and EVP of Engineering and Apache Ignite PMC Chairman, provides a quick overview of the Apache Ignite™ In-Memory Data Fabric before demonstrating a number of standard coding examples in real-time. He finishes by answering questions from the live audience.