GridGain Resources for Architects

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GridGain produces a wide selection of resources that can help you understand how our in-memory computing platform can fit within your existing or new architectures. Whether your organization needs to speed up and scale out an existing application or you are focused on the development of a new, modern application architecture, our resources can help you understand how GridGain can help. Select from our extensive library of white papers, webinars, case studies, application notes, ebook and more.


In this one hour webinar Evaluator Group Senior Partner, John Webster, and GridGain CTO, Nikita Ivanov look at the evolution of corporate executive thinking around what enterprise executives — and CEOs in particular — really want to do with data and do so in real-time. We then turn to the emergence of in-memory computing as an enabler of their visionary thinking and look at GridGain's Data Fabric as a real world example.

This webinar is a must-see for technology leaders in the transition to high-speed, low-latency big data systems.

Businesses large and small are increasingly turning to comprehensive in-memory data processing solutions such as the GridGain In-Memory Data Fabric to address their Fast Data challenges and create a competitive advantage by operating as a real-time business. When deploying an In-Memory Data Fabric into a production environment, typical challenges that need to be addressed are around availability and resilience, security and manageability, among other things.

GridGain founder and CTO, Nikita Ivanov describes the strategy and architecture behind the latest, recent release of GridGain's open source In-Memory Data Fabric, and explains how it compares with other in-memory technologies. He then dives into the technical details of distributed clusters and compute grids as well as distributed data grids, and provides code samples for each. As integral parts of an In-Memory Data Fabric, he also covers distributed streaming, CEP and Hadoop acceleration.

Like it or not, the pace of business is accelerating and competitors are finding ways to expand their positions in your market. One key technique to establish competitive advantage is to decrease the time between data availability and actions taken based on that information. To accomplish this goal, many organizations are turning to low-latency operational and analytical processing.
Mike Matchett, Senior Analyst at the Taneja Group provides an informative webinar titled “Make the Elephant Fly. How to make Hadoop 10x faster in 10 minutes”. Mike presents findings from his recent research about the performance of Hadoop jobs, and also interviews Nikita Ivanov, CTO of GridGain, about why in-memory solutions for Hadoop can make all the difference for big data success.