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GridGain produces a wide selection of resources that can help you understand how our in-memory computing platform can fit within your existing or new architectures. Whether your organization needs to speed up and scale out an existing application or you are focused on the development of a new, modern application architecture, our resources can help you understand how GridGain can help. Select from our extensive library of white papers, webinars, case studies, application notes, ebook and more.
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It’s well known that there is a tradeoff between data consistency and high availability. But at the same time, there are lots of applications that still require very strong consistency guarantees, and making such applications highly available can be quite a challenge.
Ever-changing financial regulatory compliance policy is causing unprecedented and growing technical challenges. Banks and other financial institutions must continuously monitor, collect, and analyze vast amounts of data from multiple, disparate sources in real-time. Coping with these challenges in an efficient way requires not only an extremely fast, scalable, and cost-effective data technology, but also one that can incorporate and handle new requirements as they arise.
GridGain 8.1 is a turnkey release which makes GridGain and Apache® Ignite™ the only platforms on the market that combine a distributed SQL database with an in-memory key-value data grid.
There is a myth that online financial operations need to be delegated to relational databases due to their ACID transaction support. But today, most of these disk-based relational databases cannot keep pace with the rapidly growing volumes of data that are becoming a bottleneck in the overall transactional system. There are two solutions to deal with this issue: upgrade to more expensive hardware or migrate to a distributed platform.
Join GridGain Systems Product Manager Denis Magda as he introduces the newest features in Apache Ignite 2.0 including the dramatically improved memory architecture and enhanced SQL DDL support.
Apache Ignite 2.0 is a turnkey release which blends a distributed in-memory SQL database (IMDB) and an in-memory key-value data grid (IMDG) under one data management platform. It is also a necessary stepping stone ahead of the Apache Ignite 2.1 release which will be focused around native disk persistence, allowing Ignite operate equally well in-memory and on-disk.
Data is critical to the success of financial services companies. Market data, customer data, trade data, and compliance data are retained, processed and analyzed to help firms not only stay afloat but also ahead of the competition. During this webinar, we will discuss the different types of financial data, ways financial and fintech companies process it, and show how in-memory computing is used to instantaneously analyze and make decisions based on internally and externally available data. We will discuss:
In-memory computing brings unlimited performance and scalability to even the most demanding business applications and their accompanying data sets. Moving data from disk to memory brings enormous performance gains. Boosting performance and scalability is of great value as it makes existing applications better and paves the way towards a memory first architecture that opens new horizons in computing.
Telecommunications is no longer as simple as connecting a bunch of wires and physically maintaining them in order to deliver a dial tone. Today’s telecommunications providers face myriad challenges around big data and analytics. Data, and unlimited data plans, is stretched telco networks to provide capacity and services that no one had dreamed of even 15 years ago. Telcos are constantly monitoring and upgrading networks to support the insatiable hunger for data. The network is only part of the answer though.
In this webinar hosted by GridGain Systems and 451 Research, you’ll hear about the compelling drivers for in-memory computing technologies: especially in-memory databases, data grids, and platforms.
451 Research’s data platforms analyst Jason Stamper will explain how in-memory computing helps to overcome many of the challenges faced by the modern enterprise when it comes to data processing and analytics. He will also gaze into his crystal ball to predict how these technologies will evolve in coming years.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is more than a bunch of sensors. Sensors and embedded devices gather data about the surrounding environment, but what you do with this data is what truly matters. A bunch of sensors won’t optimize your business. Collecting and analyzing the data that those sensors produce will.
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