GridGain Resources for Architects

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GridGain produces a wide selection of resources that can help you understand how our in-memory computing platform can fit within your existing or new architectures. Whether your organization needs to speed up and scale out an existing application or you are focused on the development of a new, modern application architecture, our resources can help you understand how GridGain can help. Select from our extensive library of white papers, webinars, case studies, application notes, ebook and more.


Apache Ignite Release 2.4 added built-in machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL). It not only eliminates any delays caused by transferring data to a different database or store.  It delivers near real-time performance by running a variety of ML and DL algorithms in place, in memory, that are optimized for collocated processing.

Learn more about these new capabilities and how to use them in Apache Ignite 2.4.  This webinar will provide:

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Learn how Apache Ignite™ simplifies development and improves performance for Apache Spark™. This session will explain how Apache Spark and Ignite are integrated, and how they are used to together for analytics, stream processing and machine learning.  By the end of this session you will understand:

Денис Магда, Apache Ignite PMC Chair и директор по продукту в GridGain, продолжит рассказ об основных возможностях и компонентах In-Memory Computing решений на примере Apache Ignite. Вебинар совмещает теорию и практику, после него участники смогут проектировать и писать код под подобные системы.

The need to engage more intelligently in real-time during each transaction or interaction, whether it's to add personalization and recommend products or to help improve the overall customer experience across multiple channels, is driving the need for new infrastructure with much lower latency and much higher scalability. The solution that many companies have adopted is to move all the transactional and analytic data, and to collocate computing together in memory using In-Memory Computing technologies.

The 10x growth of transaction volumes, 50x growth in data volumes and drive for real-time visibility and responsiveness over the last decade have pushed traditional technologies including databases beyond their limits. Your choices are either buy expensive hardware to accelerate the wrong architecture, or do what other companies have started to do and invest in technologies being used for modern hybrid transactional/analytical processing (HTAP).

Денис Магда, Apache Ignite PMC Chair и директор по продукту в GridGain, расскажет об основных возможностях и компонентах In-Memory Computing решений на примере Apache Ignite. Вебинар совмещает теорию и практику, после него участники смогут проектировать и писать код под подобные системы.

Apache Ignite native persistence is a distributed ACID and SQL-compliant store that turns Apache Ignite into a full-fledged distributed SQL database. It allows you to have 0-100% of your data in RAM with guaranteed durability using a broad range of storage technologies, have immediate availability on restart, and achieve high volume read and write scalability with low latency using SQL and ACID transactions.

Learn some of the best practices companies have used to increase performance of existing or new SQL-based applications up to 1,000x, scale to millions of transactions per second and handle petabytes of data by adding Apache® Ignite™.

Distributed platforms like Apache® Ignite™ rely on a horizontal “scale-out” architecture where you dynamically add more machines to achieve near-linear, elastic scalability. But how does it really work? What are its limits? And how can you optimize performance and scalability?

In this webinar, we will cover the challenges engineers face when designing distributed systems, and the tips and tricks for optimizing Apache Ignite including: