The GridGain Systems In-Memory Computing Blog

If you prefer a video demo with coding examples, visit the original blog post at Distributed In-Memory Caching generally allows you to replicate or partition your data in memory across your cluster. Memory provides a much faster access to the data, and by utilizing multiple cluster nodes the performance and scalability of the application increases significantly. Majority…
World's fastest, most scalable In-Memory Computing Platform now available under Apache 2.0 license FOSTER CITY, Calif., March 3, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- Today GridGain ( officially released its industry leading In-Memory Computing Platform through an Apache 2.0 open source license, offering the world access to its technology for a broad range of real-time data processing…
I would like to clarify definitions for the following technologies: In-Memory Distributed Cache In-Memory Data Grid These terms are, surprisingly, often used interchangeably and yet technically and historically they represent very different products and serve different, sometimes very different, use cases. It’s also important to note that there’s no specifications or industry standards on what…
What is common about Oracle and SAP when it comes to In-Memory Computing? Both see this technology as merely a high performance addition to SQL-based database products. This is shortsighted and misses a significant point. SQL Is Not Enough For New Payloads It is interesting to note that as the NoSQL movement sails through the “trough of disillusionment,” traditional SQL and transactional…
In the last 12 months we observed a growing trend that use cases for distributed caching are rapidly going away as customers are moving up stack... in droves. Let me elaborate by highlighting three points that when combined provide a clear reason behind this observation. Databases Caught Up With Distributed Caching In the last 3-5 years traditional RDBMSs and new crop of simpler NewSQL/…
What does the relatively new acronym MCI have to do with the accelerated adoption of in-memory computing? I’d say everything. MCI stands for Memory Channel Interface storage (a.k.a MCS - Memory Channel Storage) and it essentially allows you to put NAND flash storage into a DIMM form factor and enable it to interface with a CPU via a standard memory controller. Put another way, MCI provides a…
Wikibon produced an interesting material (looks like paid by Aerospike, NoSQL database recently emerged by resurrecting failed CitrusLeaf and acquihiring AlchemyDB, which product, of course, was recommended in the end) that compares NoSQL databases based on storing data in flash-based SSD vs. storing data in DRAM. There are number of factual problems with that paper and I want to point them out…
Overview GridGain is Java-based middleware for in-memory processing of big data in a distributed environment. It is based on high performance in-memory data platform that integrates fast In-Memory MapReduce implementation with In-Memory Data Grid technology delivering easy to use and easy to scale software. Using GridGain you can process terabytes of data, on 1000s of nodes in under a second.…
Dmitriy Setrakyan provided an excellent explanation for in-memory data grids (IMDG) in his blog In-Memory Data Grids... Explained. I will try to provide a similar description for in-memory compute grid (IMCG). Learn more about GridGain in-memory compute grids here. IMCG - In-Memory Compute Grid One of the main ideas Dmitriy put forward is the importance of integration between in-memory…
Excellent paper released by researchers at University of California, Berkeley . They have analyzed data from Hadoop installation at Facebook (one of the largest as such in the world) looking at various metrics for Hadoop jobs running at Facebook datacenter that has over 3,000 computers dedicated to Hadoop-based processing. They have come up with very interesting insights. I advise everyone…