Tatiana Staffaroni

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Tatiana Staffaroni
Marketing Coordinator
Join us on Wednesday, November 30, 2016 at 11:00 AM PDT/2:00 PM EDT for a webinar discussing tuning Apache® Ignite™ and GridGain for optimal performance with Valentin Kulichenko, Lead Architect at GridGain Systems. Distributed in-memory computing systems such as Apache Ignite can be used to improve the performance and scalability of data-driven applications. Distributed systems, though, depend…
Fraud has evolved from a disorganized criminal activity into a sophisticated multi-billion dollar business. Fraud committed within financial services is causing loss of revenue, institution’s reputation, shareholder’s confidence and customer loyalty. As the fraudulent schemes become more sophisticated, so should the ways of fighting them.  Detecting fraud requires complex data…
In-memory computing allows users to process terabytes of data in real-time and across many different applications and underlying databases. In-memory computing is gaining momentum in industries such as financial services, fintech, software/SaaS, telecommunications, ecommerce, online services, and retailers for its ability to transact and analyze large amounts of data in real-time.  As the…