GridGain Systems Conferences

GridGain technology evangelist Akmal Chaudhri will be one of the featured speakers at the London In-Memory Computing Meetup on April 10. His talk will detail how Kubernetes can orchestrate a distributed database like Apache Ignite. The title of his presentation is: "Distributed Database DevOps Dilemmas? Kubernetes to the rescue!"
GridGain technology analyst Akmal Chaudhri will speak at the Apache Spark and Distributed Computing Maryland Meetup on April 5. The title of his talk: "Apache Spark and Apache Ignite: make streaming analytics real with in-memory computing."
GridGain technology evangelist Akmal Chaudhri, PhD., will be the featured speaker at the NOVA Data Science Meetup on April 4 in Dulles, VA. This event is free but an RSVP is required. 
GridGain technology evangelist Akmal Chaudhri will speak at an April 3 event with the DC Spring Framework Meetup. His talk is titled, "Faster data access and processing? Our experiment with Apache Ignite." • What we'll do Slow database performance is a common complaint for Java developers. Is Apache Ignite the solution? We're going to check it out.
Join us for an evening of exciting talks from Data Science Industry leaders and experts, followed by enough time for few beers, pizza and networking. We look forward to seeing you there! Akmal Chaudhri, GridGain’s technology evangelist, will present: "Apache Ignite: the in-memory hammer in your data science toolkit."
GridGain technology evangelist Akmal Chaudhri will speak at the Symbion IoT Meetup on March 28. The title of his talk will be, "Apache Ignite: the in-memory hammer in your data science toolkit." 
GridGain technology evangelist Akmal Chaudhri will host a hands-on workshop at Symbion in Copenhagen on March 27 titled, "In-Memory Computing Essentials for Data Scientists." Register here.
GridGain Systems will be at the Strata Data Conference in San Francisco March 25-28! Visit us at Booth #1315 and get some cool free gear and learn more about in-memory computing! 
GridGain Systems president & CEO Abe Kleinfeld will be speaking on a panel discussion titled: "Scaling-up fast: Unlocking leadership & talent to generate growth -- lessons from the Tech Tour Growth50."
DevOpsATL welcomes GridGain technology evangelist Akmal Chaudhri for his talk, "Distributed Database DevOps Dilemmas? Kubernetes to the rescue!"
Денис Магда, Apache Ignite PMC Chair и директор по продукту в GridGain, продолжит рассказ об основных возможностях и компонентах In-Memory Computing решений на примере Apache Ignite. Вебинар совмещает теорию и практику, после него участники смогут проектировать и писать код под подобные системы.
When preparing the second meetup, we took into account your feedback on the first one: 1) Alexey Goncharuk is among the speakers with report for architects 2) there is much more room!
GridGain Systems technology evangelist Akmal Chaudhri will speak at the Atlanta Apache Spark User Group March 20.
GridGain technology evangelist Akmal Chaudhri will be the featured speaker at the Big Bang Data Science - Georgia Meetup on March 19.  He'll explain the main components of Apache Ignite, such as the Compute Grid, Data Grid, and the Machine Learning Grid. Through examples, attendees will learn how Apache Ignite can be used for data analysis.