GridGain Systems Conferences

Join us in Orlando! Attend the Gartner Enterprise Architecture & Technology Innovation Summit for the most up-to-date insights to influence key decisions on the future of technology-enabled business operations, and laying your organization’s technology groundwork to support what lies ahead.
Join us at the Huawei Global FSI Summit 2019. The two-day conference in Shanghai focuses on cutting-edge technologies and development trends in the financial services industry.
GridGain's Alexey Zinovyev will be speaking at the Spark+AI Summit 2019 which runs April 23-25 in San Francisco. His session is titled "Distributed ML/DL with Ignite ML module using Apache Spark as database."
For the first time Highload++ conference comes to Saint Petersburg!  Join GridGain at Data Bases & Storage session and at Team Lead session. Senior Software Engineer at GridGain Ivan Rakov will tell, how asynchronous transactional replication is organized in GridGain.
Group Head in R&D, Dmitry Govorukhin will be speaking at JPoint International Java runs April 5-6 in Moscow (Russia). The session title is "What every Java developer should know about disk IO". 
GridGain Systems will be at the Strata Data Conference in San Francisco March 25-28! Visit us at Booth #1315 and get some cool free gear and learn more about in-memory computing! 
On the fourth conference about data management platforms Mikhail Kouznetsov will participate with the report "When appetites grow: the use of In-Memory technologies for real-time data analysis". 
GridGain solutions architect Christos Erotocritou will be a featured speaker at a free three-hour event in Milan, Italy on November 19 -- sponsored by GridGain Systems and Agile Lab.
GridGain technology evangelist Akmal Chaudhri will be one of the featured speakers at Big Data LDN 2018, November 13-14 in London.
GridGain technology evangelist Akmal Chaudhri will be one of the featured speakers at Big Data Spain, a conference featuring AI technologies for smart business. The conference, which runs Nov. 13-15 in Madrid, will spotlight innovative AI and BD strategies.
Let’s meet on the 12th annual conference for developers of highload-systems, which will gather 2,700 participants from different regions of Russia and the world. The event is aimed at sharing knowledge about technologies that can simultaneously serve many thousands and millions of users. GridGain Activities: November 8