Apache Ignite Essentials: Design Principles for Building Data-Intensive Applications
← Training Schedule24 February, 2:00 pm
Ian Ruffell
Solutions Architect at GridGain
Solutions Architect at GridGain
This two-hour training is for Java developers and architects who build high-performance and data-intensive applications that are powered by Apache Ignite. During the course, you are introduced to three of Ignite's essential capabilities (data partitioning, affinity co-location, and co-located processing) and learn how to apply your newly acquired knowledge to increase the speed and scale of your applications.
Training Topics:
- The essential capabilities of Apache Ignite
- How to use data partitioning to achieve limitless horizontal scalability
- How affinity co-location of data makes it possible to run high-performance, distributed queries at scale
- How to run custom compute tasks straight on the cluster nodes, to negate any negative impact that a network might have on the performance of your applications.
Required Preparation:
- Java Developer Kit 8.0 later
- Apache Maven 3.0 or later
- Your favorite IDE, such as IntelliJ IDEA or Eclipse, or a simple text editor