Simplifying GridGain and Apache Ignite Management with the GridGain Control Center
Managing distributed systems can be complex and time consuming because there are numerous moving parts. Having a consistent set of tools can give a clear picture of how clusters are performing, when to take action and avoid potential problems, and how to optimize configurations.
The GridGain Control Center is the next generation of GridGain and Ignite monitoring tools providing a common toolbox for developers, administrators, and operators to efficiently work with their clusters and avoid expensive mistakes. This demo-driven session will highlight the core feature set of GridGain Control Center including:
- A new metrics framework which enables flexible, custom monitoring dashboards
- Query development and optimization tools
- Advanced debugging through application tracing
- A new Alerting framework to define custom notifications against the full set of GridGain and Ignite metrics
- Backup and Recovery tools using GridGain Snapshots
Join this webinar to learn how you can get more out of your new and existing GridGain and Ignite applications.

Greg Stachnick
Director of Product Management
Director of Product Management