How to Scale Up Your Applications if COVID-19 is Causing a Dramatic Spike for Your Business

If your company is in an industry such as ecommerce, logistics, online learning, food delivery, or online business collaboration, you may be seeing a huge spike in your business which is straining the limits of your customer-facing or internal applications. If you need to speed up and scale out your applications, one of the fastest approaches is to deploy an in-memory data grid.

Nikita Ivanov, GridGain CTO, will introduce you to Apache Ignite and the application speed and scalability benefits it can provide during this webinar. He will walk you through getting started with Apache Ignite and how your team can leverage key benefits such as ANSI-99 SQL and ACID transactions support. Deployment options, helpful tools and resources, and places you can go for help will all be covered. By the end of this webinar you will know how to get started with deploying an in-memory data grid so you can solve your immediate application performance challenges and prepare your business for the changing post-COVID-19 world.

Nikita Ivanov
Nikita Ivanov
Founder & CTO, GridGain Systems

Nikita Ivanov is founder and CTO of GridGain Systems, started in 2007 and funded by RTP Ventures and Almaz Capital. Nikita provides the vision and leadership at GridGain to develop the world’s top in-memory computing platform, now used by thousands of organizations around the globe to power business-critical systems and enable digital transformation initiatives.

Nikita has over 20 years of experience in software application development, building HPC and middleware platforms, and contributing to the efforts of other startups and notable companies including Adaptec, Visa and BEA Systems. Nikita was one of the pioneers in using Java technology for server side middleware development while working for one of Europe’s largest system integrators in 1996.

He is an active member of Java middleware community, contributor to the Java specification, and holds a Master’s degree in Electro Mechanics from the Baltic State Technical University, Saint Petersburg, Russia.