Options for Adding Speed and Scale to MySQL Deployments

MySQL® is arguably the most widely used open source database in the world, even if you don't include MariaDB® or Percona® as a variant. But it has a host of challenges and options to solve them.

Learn how companies have added speed and scale to MySQL deployments for different use cases. This webinar will cover the various options available and when each option makes sense. It will also cover how to evolve your architecture over time to add the speed, scale, agility and new technologies needed for digital transformation and other initiatives.

By the end of this session, you will understand:

  • The various MySQL options and when to use them, including generic MySQL, MariaDB and Percona on premise, and MSQL as a service on Amazon®, Azure®, Google® or Oracle®.
  • Options for scaling out MySQL deployments, including MySQL Cluster, Percona and Codership®
  • How in-memory computing technologies such as Apache® Ignite™ and GridGain® help with MySQL and heterogeneous database deployments, APIs and analytics
  • Strategies for improving end-to-end system performance and scalability over time
Rob Meyer is VP of Outbound Product Management
Rob Meyer
VP of Outbound Product Management

Rob Meyer is VP of Outbound Product Management

Glenn Wiebe
Glenn Wiebe
GridGain solutions architect