How-to for Apache Ignite Deployments in Kubernetes

Deployment models for Apache Ignite® and applications connected to it vary depending on the target production environment. A bare metal environment provides the most flexibility and fewer restrictions on configuration options. When using Docker and Kubernetes environments, you need to decide how Ignite and its associated applications will interact before writing the first line of code.

In this webinar, Val Kulichenko, Apache Ignite Project Management Committee member and GridGain Systems Solutions Architect, will provide steps on how to deploy Ignite in Kubernetes. He will provide best practices and identify common issues and how to deal with them with minimum limitations. Attendees will learn the following:

  • Optimal ways to deploy Ignite server nodes in memory-only mode and with native persistence
  • Various approaches to deploying applications for use with Ignite thick and thin clients
  • Starting GridGain Web Console in Kubernetes for Ignite cluster monitoring
  • Existing limitations when using Ignite with Kubernetes and how the Ignite community plans to address them
Valentin Kulichenko
Valentin Kulichenko
Director of Product Management at GridGain Systems

Valentin is a passionate, open-source Apache Ignite community member and a PMC member. He dedicates his time to public speaking, contributing code, and providing technical help through the dev and user mailing lists.