Apache® Ignite™ Best Practices: Cluster Topology Management and Data Replication

When deployed properly, it's hard to beat a horizontal distributed architecture's scalability, availability and reliability. The trick is deploying it properly to compensate for individual node, data or network failures. Learn some of the best practices for setting up your clusters properly to maximize availability, reliability and flexibility for future needs.

Join one of the lead Apache Ignite committers and GridGain System’s Senior Software Engineer, Ivan Rakov, for this 1-hour webinar. By the end of this session you will understand:

  • How in-memory data grid and database clustering works
  • How to set up replication to prevent data loss and improve availability
  • How to use the Ignite cluster API
  • Managing split-brain scenarios
  • Answers to your questions


Ivan Rakov, GridGain
Ivan Rakov
Apache Ignite Committer and Team Lead at GridGain R&D
Rob Meyer is VP of Outbound Product Management
Rob Meyer
VP of Outbound Product Management

Rob Meyer is VP of Outbound Product Management