Using Data Center Replication to Ensure High Availability of Apache Ignite and GridGain Clusters

Learn about the GridGain Data Center Replication feature that can ensure high availability of GridGain clusters running on multiple data centers.

Introduction (0:00)
Demo Environment (2:33)
Scenario 1: Enabling Active-Passive Replication Mode On Empty Cluster (4:01)
Scenario 2: Enabling Active-Passive Replication Mode On Non-Empty Cluster (9:28)
Scenario 3: Enabling Active-Active Replication Mode On Empty Cluster (12:14)
Scenario 4: Cluster Failure Handling (28:40)
Common Issues (31:03)
Q&A (34:54)

When working with multiple data centers, it is important to ensure high availability of your GridGain cluster. The GridGain Enterprise and Ultimate Editions, built on Apache Ignite®, include a Data Center Replication feature that allows data transfer between caches in distinct topologies, even located in different geographic locations.

Using code examples, we will cover the following topics:
- Basics of the Data Center Replication system
- How to combine multiple GridGain clusters running in separate data centers
- Disaster recovery configuration tips and tricks

By the end of this webinar, developers will understand how to configure and manage the GridGain Data Center Replication feature.