In-Memory Computing Essentials for Software Engineers

Attendees were introduced to the fundamental capabilities of in-memory computing platforms (IMCPs). IMCPs boost application performance and solve scalability problems by storing and processing unlimited data sets distributed across a cluster of interconnected machines.

This session was for software engineers and architects seeking practical experience with in-memory computing technologies. We did a technical deep-dive into the Apache Ignite in-memory computing platform. Attendees were given an overview (including code samples in Java) of in-memory concepts such as caches, databases, and data grids.

During this session, some of the topics focused on included the following essentials of distributed in-memory systems:

• Data partitioning: utilizing all memory and CPU resources of the cluster
• Affinity co-location: avoiding data shuffling over the network and using highly-performant, distributed SQL queries
• Co-located processing: eliminating network impact on the performance of applications

Attendees received a working knowledge of the Apache Ignite in-memory computing platform and how it can help overcome application performance and scalability challenges.