Ensuring MySQL High Availability at Scale - René Cannaò (ProxySQL)

Slides: https://speakerdeck.com/proxysql_sysown/ensuring-mysql-high-availabilit…
High availability means that your data is properly replicated with its consistency and security in mind. Modern HA solutions also come with built-in failover scenarios. Clustering solutions for MySQL like Galera or Group Replication provide virtual synchronous replication. High availability is ensured on the database level yet the app isn’t aware of the best options for traffic routing (it may go to overloaded nodes which affects performance at scale).

ProxySQL is a high-performance protocol-aware proxy for MySQL which can balance your traffic load between the nodes of the cluster based on their current status. Serving as the middle layer between the application and MySQL clustering solutions from various vendors, ProxySQL can ensure HA even under the conditions of cluster degradation.