Best Practices for Deploying Apache Ignite in the Cloud

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This webinar discusses deploying Apache Ignite into production in public and private clouds. Companies have faced many challenges when deploying in-memory computing platforms such as Apache Ignite in the cloud, but they have also discovered many best practices that have made success possible.

Today, the majority of all Apache Ignite developers deploy Ignite in some sort of cloud, whether private on-premises clouds that use Kubernetes and Docker to simplify scalability, or in public clouds to reduce operational overhead. Nearly half of the people deploying Apache Ignite in the cloud are using or planning to use at least one of the major public clouds: Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, or Oracle Cloud. The challenge is how to preserve both speed and horizontal, elastic scalability together.

The topics in this webinar include:

The differences between on-premises deployments using Docker and Kubernetes, and the public cloud providers
Recommendations on the right cloud-native tooling for development and operations (DevOps)
Techniques for data replication and migrating data to the cloud.