Architecting Low-Latency Java Systems at Massive Scale for Sydney Java Talk | Java Meetup

Speakers: Simon Ritter (Azul) and Denis Magda (GridGain)
Java dominates enterprise deployments, but low-latency scenarios are still a challenge. Think of credit card authorization, mobile sessions handling, electronic trading as of typical examples that have to process thousands of operations per second within sub-millisecond boundaries.

Due to the nature of garbage collectors, Java can initiate a stop-the-world pause at any moment in time breaking low-latency requirements and making the behavior of the whole system unpredictable. That's, primarily, why Java is not seen as a viable option for such workloads by many.

In this session, we're going to review a Java-powered software stack based on Azul Zing and Apache Ignite that makes JVM behavior predictable, scales out linearly, and allows selecting Java for high-throughput low-latency scenarios.