Apache Ignite from Scratch: Live Coding of a Naive Distributed System in Java

During this live coding session, we build a naive implementation of a distributed database that mimics the major components of Ignite:

0:00:00 Intro & Requirements
0:06:38 Data Storage and API
0:09:42 Coding
0:45:16 Scalability
0:52:28 Coding
1:03:08 Automatic Request Routing
1:07:24 Coding
1:15:11 Data Rebalancing & Data Partitioning
1:31:32 Coding
1:59:00 Data Distribution
2:02:17 Rendezvous Hashing

Project: https://github.com/vkulichenko/code-session
Article about data distribution in Apache Ignite: https://www.gridgain.com/resources/blog/data-distribution-in-apache-ign…