Apache Ignite Best Practices for Native Persistence and Data Recovery - Ivan Rakov (GridGain)

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02:42 Features that in-memory data grid lacks
07:15 Durability through page memory architecture
13:06 Data Storage Configuration
14:40 Limit node RAM consumption
19:41 Fast restart and cheaper storing
21:55 Hot and cold data
23:55 Data backups use cases
28:15 Durability: performance tricks
41:40 Q&A
slides: https://bit.ly/3jMKDcr

As an in-memory computing platform, Apache Ignite supports native persistence that stores data and indexes transparently on non-volatile memory, SSD or disk. When persistence is enabled, the memory becomes a cache for the most frequently used data and indexes. Native persistence is ACID-compliant, durable, and enables immediate availability on a restart of each node. Data is never lost; GridGain supports full and incremental snapshots along with continuous archiving and provides Point-in-Time recovery to an individual transaction.