Adding Speed and Scale to Existing Applications with No Rip and Replace Using Apache Ignite

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Join us for part 1 of the in-memory computing best practices series. Learn how companies are not only adding speed and scale without ripping out, rewriting or replacing their existing applications and databases, but also how they're setting themselves up for future projects to improve the customer experience. This webinar will explain with examples:

-How to start with Apache Ignite as an In-Memory Data Grid (IMDG) deployed on top of RDBMS or NoSQL database
-How to keep data in sync across RAM (Apache Ignite) and disk (RDBMS/NoSQL database)
-How to leverage from Apache Ignite distributed SQL and ACID transaction for IMDG scenarios
-How to move further and start to build HTAP applications, real-time analytics, and machine learning, on the same IMDG