IMC Summit 2016 Keynote - Demystifing In-Memory Data Grid and NoSQL DB

With tremendous growth in big data, low latency and high throughput is the key ask for many big data application. The in-memory technology market is growing rapidly. We see that traditional database vendors are extending their platform to support in-memory capability and others are offering in-memory data grid and NoSQL solutions for high performance and scalability. In this talk, we will share our point of view on In-Memory Data Grid and NoSQL technology. It is all about how to build architecture that meets low latency and high throughput requirements. We will share our thoughts and experiences in implementing the use cases that demands low latency & high throughput with inherent scale-out features.

You will learn about how in-memory data grid and NoSQL is used to meet the low latency and high throughput needs and choosing in-memory technology that is good fit for your use case.