Transforming Asset and Wealth Management with In-Memory Computing
The asset and wealth management sector of the financial services industry is undergoing rapid changes. Competition among investment-services providers is growing, with a wider range of providers courting a younger, more tech-savvy client base. These young investors bring with them new expectations and new challenges. To court them successfully, providers must offer the services they demand, including a 24/7 online investment environment with access to a wider range of investment vehicles than the traditional equity and bond funds.
Technology is key for maintaining a competitive edge in this situation. Investors will no longer wait for slow software or browser refreshes, so fast performance against big datasets and streaming data is crucial. Providers also need a scalable solution that interoperates with other systems, so they can offer the full range of digital channels and investment vehicles. Sophisticated analytics capabilities are essential as well, both for meeting increased regulatory requirements and for predicting advantageous investment scenarios.
To achieve this level of performance, scalability, and analytical sophistication, many financial-services providers are turning to in-memory computing solutions. This white paper will discuss the increased expectations of investors, the new challenges providers are facing, and how providers can gain the edge they need with solutions such as the GridGain in-memory computing platform.