Choosing the Right In-Memory Computing Solution
As in-memory computing (IMC) gains momentum across a wide range of applications, from fintech and ecommerce to telecommunications and IoT, many companies are looking to IMC solutions to help them process and analyze large amounts of data in real time. However, the variety of IMC product categories and solutions can be confusing, making it difficult to determine which solution is best for a particular application.
IMC products generally fit into the following four categories:
- In-memory options for disk-based databases
- In-memory databases
- In-memory data grids
- In-memory computing platforms
This white paper reviews why IMC makes sense for today’s fast-data and big-data applications, dispels common myths about IMC, and most importantly, clarifies the differences among these IMC product categories to make the process of choosing the right IMC solution for a specific use case much easier.