NYC In-Memory Computing Meetup
Join us in Manhattan July 25 for the next NYC In-Memory Computing Meetup! We’ll have three insightful talks, Joe's Pizza, refreshing beverages and awesome raffle prizes. This event is free thanks to our sponsors, GridGain Systems and Oracle!
The lineup…
* Formulus Black: “Memories – Using Memory as Storage Media”
* Oracle: “Thinking about ‘Performance’”
* GridGain Systems: “Best Practices for Multi-Data Center Replication”
Talk 1: Formulus Black’s software, Forsa, enables any application to run fully in memory without modification, which can significantly enhance performance and decrease latency. This talk will be delivered by one of the company’s engineers (they are still sorting out who will come) and is titled: “Memories – Using Memory as Storage Media.”
Abstract: Imagine if Memory could be used as storage media…
> What properties might it need to have?
> What kind of applications could be supported?
> How much raw data can I fit into Memory?
> What hardware and operating systems are needed?
> What deployment options are possible and can it scale?
Engineers from Formulus Black will present on how we are enabling Memory (DDR/NAND) as a storage media.
Talk 2: “Thinking about ‘Performance’” with Sam Drake, architect, Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database.
Abstract: Today’s applications need ever higher levels of performance. And companies are adopting in-memory technologies in order to make their applications fast. But what does “fast” really mean? “High performance” can mean very different things to different people, and some application architectures that provide “high performance” in some ways can perform rather poorly in other ways.
This talk will discuss different ways to think about performance, and how different application architectures fare better - or worse - depending on which sort of “performance” is most important to you.
(CV: Sam Drake is architect of the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database. He has worked on TimesTen for over 20 years)
Talk 3: “Cluster Topology Management and Data Replication,” with Michael Grundvig, solution architect at GridGain Systems.
When deployed properly, it's hard to beat a horizontal distributed architecture's scalability, availability and reliability. The trick is deploying it properly to compensate for individual node, data or network failures. Learn some of the best practices for setting up your clusters properly to maximize availability, reliability and flexibility for future needs.
Michael’s talk will feature Apache Ignite, an open-source distributed database, caching and processing platform designed to store and compute on large volumes of data across a cluster of nodes.
By the end of his talk, you’ll understand:
* How in-memory data grid and database clustering works
* How to set up replication to prevent data loss and improve availability
* How to use the Ignite cluster API
* Managing split-brain scenarios
Be sure to RSVP because space will be limited. And don’t forget to register for the GridGain raffle! You can do that in advance here.
BONUS! All raffle winners will also receive a FREE ticket to the In-Memory Computing Summit North America 2019, happening Nov. 13 and 14 at the Hyatt San Francisco Airport. Tickets are $400 each, so this is a fantastic opportunity to attend the 2-day conference for free!