Apache Ignite 3.0.0 Alpha 2 Build Community Gathering

Apache Ignite 3.0.0 Alpha 2 Build Community Gathering

The Alpha build of the next Apache Ignite major version is available for internal testing at https://github.com/apache/ignite-3

During this session, we will:
‒ Give an update on the Ignite 3 development - what has been completed so far, and the next steps planned.
‒ Discuss the latest Ignite 3 milestone: the Alpha 2 release.
‒ Run a live demo: create an Ignite 3 Alpha 2 cluster and demonstrate the new APIs usage by running code examples.

This gathering is organized to summarize feedback, share ideas, and overview the following stages of Ignite 3.0 development.

9 AM Pacific Standard Time
12 PM Eastern Standard Time
5 PM British Summer Time
6 PM Central European Summer Time
7 PM Israel Standard Time
7 PM Moscow Time
9:30 PM Indian Standard Time

[1] Apache Ignite 3.0 Alpha Build https://github.com/apache/ignite-3
[2] Discussion http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/ignite-user/202101.mbox/%3CCABuYRcpgKQvTJDhSvqHOzKWJf5wN-mLKUHiNR5qyaNLvLsds8w%40mail.gmail.com%3E
[3] Wiki Page https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/Apache+Ignite+3.0
[4] Getting Started Guide: https://ignite.apache.org/docs/3.0.0-alpha/quick-start/getting-started-guide
[5] Apache Ignite 3.0: Major Changes and Features presentation https://youtu.be/zPuLJgUfLaM
[6] Ignite 3.0 Alpha 1 Community Gathering https://youtu.be/zAVmKGRa1Jc

Valentin Kulichenko
Director of Product Management at GridGain Systems
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