GridGain 4.0.1 Released!


GridGain 4.0.1 has been released this Monday. This is a point release that includes several bug fixes as well as number of new features.

With 4.0.1 we are introducing native support for .NET with our C# Client. C# Client provides native .NET/C# APIs for accessing both GridGain's In-Memory Data Grid and Compute Grid from outside of the GridGain topology context. Internally it's deferring to the REST protocol.

C# Client is one of many native clients we'll be releasing shortly including ObjectC, C++, PHP, Scala, Ruby, and some others we're already working on.

Improved Support for 32-bit and 64-bit Systems

We've modified our scripts for better out-of-the-box support for 32-bit and 64-bit systems. We've had several clients complaint that additional configuration properties were required and specifically GridGain Visor didn't work fully on 32-bit system with default configuration. All these issues have been resolved.

Enhancements to GridGain Visor

We are continuing making rapid improvements to GridGain Visor that is part of GridGain Enterprise and OEM editions.

We've added ability to specific the time span for chart views:

We've added nice in-place filtering for events in Dashboard:

You can now double click on event and to see its details: