GridGain® Systems offers blocks of GridGain Community Edition consulting and Apache® Ignite™ consulting hours. The blocks are available in 30-hour increments. Remote meeting times with our experts are booked through our professional services team, in 2-hour minimum increments. Our consultants can assist your organization with a variety of tasks such as:
- Software Configuration and Setup
- Performance Optimizations
- Distributed Programming Across Nodes
- Architectural Design Planning or Review
- System Tuning
- Scaling Across Large Data Sets
- Proof of Concepts
- Third Party Integrations
No matter what challenges your organization faces or questions you might have about the GridGain Community Edition or Apache Ignite, our expert staff can help resolve your issues and answer your questions quickly and efficiently. Our consultants are Apache Ignite experts and offer the deepest expertise possible when providing Apache Ignite consulting. Our consultants also have deep expertise and provide the best possible guidance when providing GridGain Community Edition consulting.
All consulting is delivered remotely by our consultants. Unused hours expire twelve months after purchase date. Consultants are assigned to requests based on availability and consultants may vary from request to request.
GridGain Community Edition and Apache Ignite Consulting
Speak with us now to learn more about our Apache Ignite consulting and GridGain Community Edition consulting services.