Interface | Description |
IFitnessFunction |
Fitness function are used to determine how optimal a particular solution is relative to other solutions.
Class | Description |
Chromosome |
Represents a potential solution consisting of a fixed-length collection of genes.
CrossOverJob |
Responsible for performing 'crossover' genetic operation for 2 X 'parent' chromosomes.
CrossOverTask |
Responsible for assigning 2 X 'parent' chromosomes to produce 2 X 'child' chromosomes.
FitnessJob |
Responsible for performing fitness evaluation on an individual chromosome
FitnessTask |
Responsible for fitness operation
GAGrid |
Central class responsible for orchestrating distributive Genetic Algorithm.
Gene |
Represents the discrete parts of a potential solution (ie: Chromosome)
Gene is a container for a POJO that developer will implement.
MutateJob |
Responsible for applying mutation on respective Chromosome based on mutation Rate
MutateTask |
Responsible for applying mutation on respective chromosomes.
RouletteWheelSelectionJob |
Responsible for performing Roulette Wheel selection
RouletteWheelSelectionTask |
Responsible for performing Roulette Wheel selection.
TruncateSelectionJob |
Responsible for performing truncate selection
TruncateSelectionTask |
Responsible for performing truncate selection.
GridGain In-Memory Computing Platform : ver. 8.9.17 Release Date : January 24 2025