Package | Description |
org.apache.ignite |
Contains entry-point Ignite & HPC APIs.
org.apache.ignite.cache.hibernate |
Contains implementation of Hibernate L2 cache.
org.apache.ignite.cache.query |
Contains APIs for creating and executing cache queries.
| |
Contains reference Hibernate-based cache store implementation.
| |
Contains reference JDBC-based cache store implementation.
org.apache.ignite.compute.gridify |
Contains APIs utilized for AOP-based grid-enabling.
org.apache.ignite.compute.gridify.aop |
Contains common classes for different AOP providers.
org.apache.ignite.configuration |
Contains configuration-related classes.
org.apache.ignite.lang |
Contains general language constructs and functional APIs for distributed computations.
| |
Contains Java logging implementation for logging.
org.apache.ignite.logger.log4j |
Contains default Log4j implementation for logging.
org.apache.ignite.logger.log4j2 |
Contains default Log4j2 implementation for logging.
org.apache.ignite.maintenance |
Package contains public interfaces for maintenance mechanism.
org.apache.ignite.marshaller |
Contains various supported marshallers.
org.apache.ignite.marshaller.jdk |
Contains JDK based marshaller.
org.apache.ignite.plugin |
Contains plugins management API.
org.apache.ignite.plugin.extensions.communication |
Contains extendable components for communication.
| |
Contains APIs for security, authentication, and authorization.
org.apache.ignite.plugin.segmentation |
Contains segmentation "split-brain" related classes.
org.apache.ignite.spi |
Contains common classes and interfaces for SPI implementations.
org.apache.ignite.spi.communication.tcp |
Contains default TCP/IP-based implementation for communication SPI.
org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.tcp |
Contains default TCP/IP implementation for discovery SPI.
org.gridgain.grid.cache.db.wal |
Contains database WAL CRC classes.
| |
Contains data center replication store API classes.
| |
Contains data center replication file system store API classes.
| |
Contains data center replication in-memory store API classes.
org.gridgain.grid.persistentstore.snapshot.file |
Contains base GridGain database snapshot SPI file implementation.
org.gridgain.grid.persistentstore.snapshot.file.remote |
Contains remote GridGain database snapshot SPI file implementation.
org.gridgain.grid.persistentstore.snapshot.file.remote.wal |
Contains GridGain database snapshot SPI file implementation for remote WAL.
org.gridgain.grid.product |
Contains Product and License related functionality.
| |
Contains security API classes.
| |
Contains X.509 Certificate Authenticator classes.
| |
Contains JAAS API classes.
| |
Contains passcode API classes.
org.gridgain.grid.segmentation.reachability |
Contains segmentation resolver based on
InetAddress.isReachable() . |
org.gridgain.grid.segmentation.sharedfs |
Contains shared file system segmentation resolver implementation.
org.gridgain.grid.segmentation.tcp |
Contains TCP segmentation resolver implementation.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Exception that represents authentication failure.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Ignite |
IgniteSpring.start(@Nullable org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext springCtx)
Starts grid with default configuration.
static Ignite |
IgniteSpring.start(IgniteConfiguration cfg,
@Nullable org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext springCtx)
Starts grid with given configuration.
static Ignite |
IgniteSpring.start(String springCfgPath,
@Nullable org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext springCtx)
Starts all grids specified within given Spring XML configuration file.
static Ignite |
IgniteSpring.start(URL springCfgUrl,
@Nullable org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext springCtx)
Starts all grids specified within given Spring XML configuration file URL.
void |
IgniteCluster.tag(String tag)
Enables user to add a specific label to the cluster e.g. to describe purpose of the cluster
or any its characteristics.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
Clears cache on all nodes that store it's data.
void |
HibernateCacheProxy.clear(Object key)
Clears key on all nodes that store it's data.
void |
HibernateCacheProxy.clearAll(Set keys)
Clears keys on all nodes that store it's data.
static void |
HibernateAccessStrategyAdapter.evictAll(org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.IgniteInternalCache<Object,Object> cache)
Called to remove all data from cache without regard to transaction.
@Nullable Object |
HibernateCacheProxy.get(Object key)
Retrieves value mapped to the specified key from cache.
Map |
HibernateCacheProxy.getAll(@Nullable Collection keys)
Retrieves values mapped to the specified keys from cache.
Map |
HibernateCacheProxy.getAllOutTx(Set keys)
Gets values from cache.
@Nullable Object |
HibernateCacheProxy.getAndPut(Object key,
Object val)
Stores given key-value pair in cache.
@Nullable Object |
HibernateCacheProxy.getAndPutIfAbsent(Object key,
Object val)
Stores given key-value pair in cache only if cache had no previous mapping for it.
@Nullable Object |
HibernateCacheProxy.getAndRemove(Object key)
Removes given key mapping from cache.
@Nullable Object |
HibernateCacheProxy.getAndReplace(Object key,
Object val)
Stores given key-value pair in cache only if there is a previous mapping for it.
Collection<CacheEntry<Object,Object>> |
HibernateCacheProxy.getEntries(@Nullable Collection keys)
Retrieves values mapped to the specified keys from cache.
@Nullable CacheEntry |
HibernateCacheProxy.getEntry(Object key)
Retrieves value mapped to the specified key from cache.
@Nullable Object |
HibernateCacheProxy.getForcePrimary(Object key)
Gets value from cache.
@Nullable javax.cache.processor.EntryProcessorResult |
HibernateCacheProxy.invoke(@Nullable org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.affinity.AffinityTopologyVersion topVer,
Object key,
javax.cache.processor.EntryProcessor entryProcessor,
Object... args) |
@Nullable javax.cache.processor.EntryProcessorResult |
HibernateCacheProxy.invoke(Object key,
javax.cache.processor.EntryProcessor entryProcessor,
Object... args) |
Map |
HibernateCacheProxy.invokeAll(Map map,
Object... args) |
Map |
HibernateCacheProxy.invokeAll(Set keys,
javax.cache.processor.EntryProcessor entryProcessor,
Object... args) |
Iterable<javax.cache.Cache.Entry<Object,Object>> |
HibernateCacheProxy.localEntries(CachePeekMode[] peekModes) |
int |
HibernateCacheProxy.localEntrySize(Object key)
Returns approximate number of bytes that required by the given
key and corresponding value in the off-heap storage. |
void |
HibernateCacheProxy.localLoadCache(@Nullable IgniteBiPredicate p,
Object... args)
Delegates to
CacheStore.loadCache(IgniteBiInClosure, Object...) method
to load state from the underlying persistent storage. |
@Nullable Object |
HibernateCacheProxy.localPeek(Object key,
CachePeekMode[] peekModes) |
boolean |
HibernateCacheProxy.localPreloadPartition(int part)
Preloads cache partition if it exists on local node.
int |
HibernateCacheProxy.localSize(CachePeekMode[] peekModes) |
long |
HibernateCacheProxy.localSizeLong(CachePeekMode[] peekModes) |
long |
HibernateCacheProxy.localSizeLong(int partition,
CachePeekMode[] peekModes) |
boolean |
HibernateCacheProxy.lock(Object key,
long timeout)
Synchronously acquires lock on a cached object with given
key only if the passed in filter (if any) passes.
boolean |
HibernateCacheProxy.lockAll(@Nullable Collection keys,
long timeout)
All or nothing synchronous lock for passed in keys.
void |
HibernateCacheProxy.preloadPartition(int part)
Preload cache partition.
org.apache.ignite.internal.IgniteInternalFuture<?> |
HibernateCacheProxy.preloadPartitionAsync(int part)
Preload cache partition.
boolean |
HibernateCacheProxy.put(Object key,
Object val)
Stores given key-value pair in cache.
void |
HibernateCacheProxy.putAll(@Nullable Map m)
Stores given key-value pairs in cache.
void |
HibernateCacheProxy.putAllConflict(Map drMap)
Store DR data.
org.apache.ignite.internal.IgniteInternalFuture<?> |
HibernateCacheProxy.putAllConflictAsync(Map drMap)
Store DR data asynchronously.
boolean |
HibernateCacheProxy.putIfAbsent(Object key,
Object val)
Stores given key-value pair in cache only if cache had no previous mapping for it.
boolean |
HibernateCacheProxy.remove(Object key)
Removes given key mapping from cache.
boolean |
HibernateCacheProxy.remove(Object key,
Object val)
Removes given key mapping from cache if one exists and value is equal to the passed in value.
void |
Removes mappings from cache.
void |
HibernateCacheProxy.removeAll(@Nullable Collection keys)
Removes given key mappings from cache.
void |
HibernateCacheProxy.removeAllConflict(Map drMap)
Removes DR data.
org.apache.ignite.internal.IgniteInternalFuture<?> |
HibernateCacheProxy.removeAllConflictAsync(Map drMap)
Removes DR data asynchronously.
boolean |
HibernateCacheProxy.replace(Object key,
Object val)
Stores given key-value pair in cache only if only if there is a previous mapping for it.
boolean |
HibernateCacheProxy.replace(Object key,
Object oldVal,
Object newVal)
Stores given key-value pair in cache only if only if the previous value is equal to the
'oldVal' passed in. |
Iterator<javax.cache.Cache.Entry<Object,Object>> |
HibernateCacheProxy.scanIterator(boolean keepBinary,
@Nullable IgniteBiPredicate p) |
Iterator<javax.cache.Cache.Entry<Object,Object>> |
HibernateCacheProxy.scanIterator(boolean keepBinary,
@Nullable IgniteBiPredicate p,
long timeout) |
int |
HibernateCacheProxy.size(CachePeekMode[] peekModes) |
long |
HibernateCacheProxy.sizeLong(CachePeekMode[] peekModes) |
long |
HibernateCacheProxy.sizeLong(int partition,
CachePeekMode[] peekModes) |
void |
HibernateCacheProxy.unlock(Object key)
Unlocks given key only if current thread owns the lock.
void |
HibernateCacheProxy.unlockAll(@Nullable Collection keys)
Unlocks given keys only if current thread owns the locks.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
The exception is thrown if a query was cancelled or timed out while executing.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected <X> X |
CacheHibernateBlobStore.fromBytes(byte[] bytes)
Deserialize object from byte array using marshaller.
protected byte[] |
CacheHibernateBlobStore.toBytes(Object obj)
Serialize object to byte array using marshaller.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected <X> X |
CacheJdbcBlobStore.fromBytes(byte[] bytes)
Deserialize object from byte array using marshaller.
protected byte[] |
CacheJdbcBlobStore.toBytes(Object obj)
Serialize object to byte array using marshaller.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
GridifyInterceptor.isGridify(Annotation gridify,
GridifyArgument arg)
This method is called before actual grid-enabling happens.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
GridifySetToSetAbstractAspect.checkIsSplitToJobsAllowed(org.apache.ignite.internal.util.gridify.GridifyRangeArgument arg,
GridifySetToSet ann)
Check if split allowed for input argument.
protected void |
GridifySetToValueAbstractAspect.checkIsSplitToJobsAllowed(org.apache.ignite.internal.util.gridify.GridifyRangeArgument arg,
GridifySetToValue ann)
Check if split allowed for input argument.
protected void |
GridifySetToValueAbstractAspect.checkMethodSignature(Method mtd)
Check method signature.
protected void |
GridifySetToSetAbstractAspect.checkMethodSignature(Method mtd)
Check method signature.
protected Object |
GridifySetToSetAbstractAspect.execute(IgniteCompute compute,
Class<?> cls,
org.apache.ignite.internal.util.gridify.GridifyRangeArgument arg,
GridifyNodeFilter nodeFilter,
int threshold,
int splitSize,
long timeout)
Execute method on grid.
protected Object |
GridifySetToValueAbstractAspect.execute(Method mtd,
IgniteCompute compute,
Class<?> cls,
org.apache.ignite.internal.util.gridify.GridifyRangeArgument arg,
GridifyNodeFilter nodeFilter,
int threshold,
int splitSize,
long timeout)
Execute method on grid.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Collection<InetSocketAddress> |
BasicAddressResolver.getExternalAddresses(InetSocketAddress addr)
Maps internal address to a collection of external addresses.
Collection<InetSocketAddress> |
AddressResolver.getExternalAddresses(InetSocketAddress addr)
Maps internal address to a collection of external addresses.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
T |
Produce value.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static File |
JavaLoggerFileHandler.logDirectory(String workDir)
Resolves logging directory.
void |
JavaLoggerFileHandler.nodeId(@Nullable String app,
UUID nodeId,
String workDir)
Sets Node id and instantiates
FileHandler delegate. |
void |
JavaLoggerFileHandler.nodeId(UUID nodeId,
String workDir)
Sets Node id and instantiates
FileHandler delegate. |
Constructor and Description |
Log4JLogger(File cfgFile)
Creates new logger with given configuration
cfgFile . |
Log4JLogger(File cfgFile,
long watchDelay)
Creates new logger with given configuration
cfgFile . |
Log4JLogger(String path)
Creates new logger with given configuration
path . |
Log4JLogger(String path,
long watchDelay)
Creates new logger with given configuration
path . |
Log4JLogger(URL cfgUrl)
Creates new logger with given configuration
cfgUrl . |
Log4JLogger(URL cfgUrl,
long watchDelay)
Creates new logger with given configuration
cfgUrl . |
Constructor and Description |
Log4J2Logger(File cfgFile)
Creates new logger with given configuration
cfgFile . |
Log4J2Logger(String path)
Creates new logger with given configuration
path . |
Log4J2Logger(URL cfgUrl)
Creates new logger with given configuration
cfgUrl . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@Nullable MaintenanceTask |
MaintenanceRegistry.registerMaintenanceTask(MaintenanceTask task)
Method to register
MaintenanceTask locally on the node where method is called. |
void |
MaintenanceRegistry.registerMaintenanceTask(MaintenanceTask task,
UnaryOperator<MaintenanceTask> remappingFunction)
Method to register
MaintenanceTask locally on the node where method is called. |
default void |
MaintenanceRegistry.registerWorkflowCallbackIfTaskExists(@NotNull String maintenanceTaskName,
@NotNull org.apache.ignite.internal.util.lang.IgniteThrowableFunction<MaintenanceTask,MaintenanceWorkflowCallback> workflowCalProvider)
Call the
MaintenanceRegistry.registerWorkflowCallback(String, MaintenanceWorkflowCallback) if the active maintenance task
with given name exists. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static IgnitePredicate<String> |
MarshallerUtils.classNameFilter(ClassLoader clsLdr)
Returns class name filter for marshaller.
Class |
MarshallerContext.getClass(int typeId,
ClassLoader ldr)
Gets class for provided type ID.
String |
MarshallerContext.getClassName(byte platformId,
int typeId)
Gets class name for provided (platformId, typeId) pair.
byte[] |
AbstractNodeNameAwareMarshaller.marshal(@Nullable Object obj)
Marshals object to byte array.
byte[] |
Marshaller.marshal(Object obj)
Marshals object to byte array.
void |
AbstractNodeNameAwareMarshaller.marshal(@Nullable Object obj,
OutputStream out)
Marshals object to the output stream.
void |
Marshaller.marshal(Object obj,
OutputStream out)
Marshals object to the output stream.
protected abstract byte[] |
AbstractNodeNameAwareMarshaller.marshal0(@Nullable Object obj)
Marshals object to byte array.
protected abstract void |
AbstractNodeNameAwareMarshaller.marshal0(@Nullable Object obj,
OutputStream out)
Marshals object to the output stream.
boolean |
MarshallerContext.registerClassName(byte platformId,
int typeId,
String clsName)
MarshallerContext.registerClassName(byte, int, java.lang.String, boolean) instead.
This particular method will be deleted in future releases. |
default boolean |
MarshallerContext.registerClassName(byte platformId,
int typeId,
String clsName,
boolean failIfUnregistered)
Method to register typeId->class name mapping in marshaller context cluster-wide.
boolean |
MarshallerContext.registerClassNameLocally(byte platformId,
int typeId,
String clsName)
Method to register typeId->class name mapping in marshaller context on local node only.
<T> T |
AbstractNodeNameAwareMarshaller.unmarshal(byte[] arr,
@Nullable ClassLoader clsLdr)
Unmarshals object from byte array using given class loader.
<T> T |
Marshaller.unmarshal(byte[] arr,
ClassLoader clsLdr)
Unmarshals object from byte array using given class loader.
<T> T |
AbstractNodeNameAwareMarshaller.unmarshal(InputStream in,
@Nullable ClassLoader clsLdr)
Unmarshals object from the input stream using given class loader.
<T> T |
Marshaller.unmarshal(InputStream in,
ClassLoader clsLdr)
Unmarshals object from the input stream using given class loader.
protected abstract <T> T |
AbstractNodeNameAwareMarshaller.unmarshal0(byte[] arr,
@Nullable ClassLoader clsLdr)
Unmarshals object from byte array using given class loader.
protected abstract <T> T |
AbstractNodeNameAwareMarshaller.unmarshal0(InputStream in,
@Nullable ClassLoader clsLdr)
Unmarshals object from the input stream using given class loader.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected byte[] |
JdkMarshaller.marshal0(@Nullable Object obj)
Marshals object to byte array.
protected void |
JdkMarshaller.marshal0(@Nullable Object obj,
OutputStream out)
Marshals object to the output stream.
protected <T> T |
JdkMarshaller.unmarshal0(byte[] arr,
@Nullable ClassLoader clsLdr)
Unmarshals object from byte array using given class loader.
protected <T> T |
JdkMarshaller.unmarshal0(InputStream in,
@Nullable ClassLoader clsLdr)
Unmarshals object from the input stream using given class loader.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
PluginProvider.initExtensions(PluginContext ctx,
ExtensionRegistry registry)
Registers extensions.
void |
Callback that notifies that Ignite has successfully started,
including all internal components.
void |
Callback that notifies that Ignite has successfully started,
including all internal components.
void |
Starts grid component.
void |
PluginProvider.start(PluginContext ctx)
Starts grid component.
void |
PluginProvider.stop(boolean cancel)
Stops grid component.
void |
Validates cache plugin configuration in process of cache creation.
void |
CachePluginProvider.validateRemote(CacheConfiguration locCfg,
CacheConfiguration rmtCfg,
ClusterNode rmtNode)
Checks that remote caches has configuration compatible with the local.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
MessageReader |
MessageFormatter.reader(UUID rmtNodeId,
MessageFactory msgFactory)
Creates new message reader instance.
MessageWriter |
MessageFormatter.writer(UUID rmtNodeId)
Creates new message writer instance.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SecurityCredentials |
Gets security credentials.
SecurityCredentials |
Gets security credentials.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
Checks whether segment is valid.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Kind of exception that is used when failure detection timeout is enabled for
TcpDiscoverySpi or
TcpCommunicationSpi . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
Closes the iterator and frees all the resources held by the iterator.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
TcpCommunicationSpi.processSessionCreationError(ClusterNode node,
Collection<InetSocketAddress> addrs,
IgniteCheckedException errs)
Process errors if TCP/IP
GridNioSession creation to remote node hasn't been performed. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected org.apache.ignite.internal.util.nio.GridCommunicationClient |
TcpCommunicationSpi.createTcpClient(ClusterNode node,
int connIdx)
Establish TCP connection to remote node and returns client.
Collection<InetSocketAddress> |
TcpCommunicationSpi.nodeAddresses(ClusterNode node,
boolean filterReachableAddrs) |
protected void |
TcpCommunicationSpi.processSessionCreationError(ClusterNode node,
Collection<InetSocketAddress> addrs,
IgniteCheckedException errs)
Process errors if TCP/IP
GridNioSession creation to remote node hasn't been performed. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected <T> T |
TcpDiscoverySpi.readMessage(Socket sock,
@Nullable InputStream in,
long timeout)
Reads message from the socket limiting read time.
protected void |
TcpDiscoverySpi.writeToSocket(ClusterNode node,
Socket sock,
OutputStream out,
org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.tcp.messages.TcpDiscoveryAbstractMessage msg,
long timeout) |
protected void |
TcpDiscoverySpi.writeToSocket(Socket sock,
OutputStream out,
org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.tcp.messages.TcpDiscoveryAbstractMessage msg,
long timeout)
Writes message to the socket.
protected void |
TcpDiscoverySpi.writeToSocket(Socket sock,
org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.tcp.messages.TcpDiscoveryAbstractMessage msg,
long timeout)
Writes message to the socket.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
This exception is thrown either when we reach the end of file of WAL segment, or when we encounter
a record with type equal to
0 . |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Exception thrown in case data center replication sender hub store was corrupted.
class |
Exception is thrown on any cursor action when it is in closed state.
class |
Exception thrown when data center replication sender hub store cannot persist more entries.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
Removes all data from store and resets overflow flag to false.
void |
Removes all data from store and resets overflow flag to false.
protected abstract void |
Remove all store data and reset store's state.
DrSenderStoreCursor |
DrSenderStore.cursor(byte dataCenterId)
Gets cursor for the given data center ID.
DrSenderStoreCursor |
DrAbstractSenderStore.cursor(byte dataCenterId)
Gets cursor for the given data center ID.
protected abstract DrSenderStoreCursor |
DrAbstractSenderStore.cursor0(byte dataCenterId)
Create new cursor for specified data center.
DrSenderStoreEntry |
Get next entry from that cursor.
default void |[] dataCenterIds,
byte[] data,
int cnt)
Store data.
default void |[] dataCenterIds,
byte[] data,
int cnt,
@Nullable IgniteUuid fstId)
Synchronous state transfer uses dedicated FST buffer.
void |[] dataCenterIds,
byte[] data,
int cnt,
@Nullable IgniteUuid fstId)
Store data.
protected abstract void |
DrAbstractSenderStore.store0(byte[] dataCenterIds,
byte[] data,
int cnt,
@Nullable IgniteUuid fstId)
Add data to store.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
Clears store.
DrSenderStoreCursor |
DrSenderFsStore.cursor0(byte dataCenterId)
Create new cursor for specified data center.
void |
Delete old files.
long |
DrSenderFsStore.redoBytesSize(byte dataCenterId) |
void |
DrSenderFsStore.store0(byte[] dataCenters,
byte[] data,
int cnt,
@Nullable IgniteUuid fstId)
Add data to store.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
Remove all store data and reset store's state.
DrSenderStoreCursor |
DrSenderInMemoryStore.cursor0(byte dataCenterId)
Create new cursor for specified data center.
void |
DrSenderInMemoryStore.store0(byte[] dcIds,
byte[] data,
int cnt,
@Nullable IgniteUuid fstId)
Add data to store.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
Close method.
void |
Close method.
void |
FileSnapshotInputStream.close() |
void |
DigestSnapshotInputStream.close() |
void |
Close method.
void |
FileDatabaseSnapshotSpi.copyDigestRegistry(long snapshotId,
org.gridgain.grid.internal.processors.cache.database.snapshot.file.SnapshotPath file,
org.gridgain.grid.internal.processors.cache.database.snapshot.SnapshotOperationContext context) |
void |
FileDatabaseSnapshotSpi.copyMetadata(long snapshotId,
org.gridgain.grid.internal.processors.cache.database.snapshot.file.SnapshotPath pathToMove,
org.gridgain.grid.internal.processors.cache.database.snapshot.SnapshotOperationContext context) |
void |
FileDatabaseSnapshotSpi.copySinglePartition(long snapshotId,
int grpId,
int partId,
org.gridgain.grid.internal.processors.cache.database.snapshot.file.SnapshotPath pathToCopy,
org.gridgain.grid.internal.processors.cache.database.snapshot.SnapshotOperationContext context)
Will copy only single partition.
void |
FileDatabaseSnapshotSpi.copySnapshotEntirely(long snapshotId,
org.gridgain.grid.internal.processors.cache.database.snapshot.file.SnapshotPath pathToCopy,
org.gridgain.grid.internal.processors.cache.database.snapshot.SnapshotOperationContext ctx,
ExecutorService taskExecutor)
Will copy snapshot completely to the path.
void |
FileDatabaseSnapshotSpi.copyWalSegments(long snapshotId,
Collection<File> segments,
org.gridgain.grid.internal.processors.cache.database.snapshot.file.SnapshotPath dir,
org.gridgain.grid.internal.processors.cache.database.snapshot.SnapshotOperationContext ctx) |
void |
FileDatabaseSnapshotSpi.deleteSnapshot(long id,
org.gridgain.grid.internal.processors.cache.database.snapshot.SnapshotOperationContext ctx) |
@Nullable org.gridgain.grid.internal.processors.cache.database.snapshot.file.FsSnapshotPath |
FileDatabaseSnapshotSpi.findLocalSnapshotDir(long id) |
org.gridgain.grid.internal.processors.cache.database.snapshot.SnapshotOutputStream |
FileSnapshotSession.getOrOpenForFile(int grpId,
int partId) |
boolean |
FileDatabaseSnapshotSpi.isCopyRequired(long snapshotId,
org.gridgain.grid.internal.processors.cache.database.snapshot.file.SnapshotPath targetDirectory)
Method checks whether copy is required or not.
Iterable<org.gridgain.grid.internal.processors.cache.database.snapshot.SnapshotMetadataV2> |
FileDatabaseSnapshotSpi.listRemoteSnapshots(@Nullable org.gridgain.grid.internal.processors.cache.database.snapshot.file.SnapshotPath searchPath)
Returns all completed snapshots that can be restored.
Iterable<org.gridgain.grid.internal.processors.cache.database.snapshot.SnapshotMetadataV2> |
FileDatabaseSnapshotSpi.localSnapshots(boolean sort)
Returns all completed snapshots that can be restored.
Runnable |
FileSnapshotSession.onPartitionFinished(org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.persistence.partstate.GroupPartitionId groupPartitionId)
Method invoked on snapshot completion of partition.
void |
DigestSnapshotOutputStreamWrapper.plainWrite(ByteBuffer data)
Writes plain data to stream.
void |
ByteChannelSnapshotOutputStream.plainWrite(ByteBuffer data)
Writes plain data to stream.
void |
SnapshotEncryptionOutputStream.plainWrite(ByteBuffer data)
Writes plain data to stream.
void |
FileSnapshotOutputStream.plainWrite(ByteBuffer data)
Writes plain data to stream.
org.gridgain.grid.internal.processors.cache.database.snapshot.SnapshotSession |
FileDatabaseSnapshotSpi.sessionForSnapshotCreation(long id,
boolean fullSnapshot,
@Nullable File storePath,
org.gridgain.grid.internal.processors.cache.database.snapshot.CompressionOption compression,
int compressionLevel,
org.gridgain.grid.internal.processors.cache.database.snapshot.FutureTaskQueue<org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.persistence.partstate.GroupPartitionId> futureTaskQueue,
org.gridgain.grid.internal.processors.cache.database.snapshot.SnapshotOperationContext snapshotOperationContext,
@Nullable MessageDigestFactory msgDigestFactory,
@Nullable org.gridgain.grid.internal.processors.cache.database.snapshot.SnapshotEncryptionOptions encryptionOptions)
Starts a snapshot session.
void |
Starts SPI.
void |
FileDatabaseSnapshotSpi.startCopy(long snapshotId,
org.gridgain.grid.internal.processors.cache.database.snapshot.file.SnapshotPath pathToCopy)
Marks directory with copy marker file, to indicate the beginning of copy operation.
void |
Stops SPI.
org.gridgain.grid.internal.processors.cache.database.snapshot.SnapshotMetadataV2 |
Allows to choose a moment when metadata is verified.
void |
DigestSnapshotOutputStreamWrapper.write(ByteBuffer data)
Writes the given page.
void |
SnapshotEncryptionOutputStream.write(ByteBuffer data)
Writes the given page.
void |
FileSnapshotSession.writeMetadata(ByteBuffer metadata) |
void |
FileSnapshotSession.writeRegistry(ByteBuffer registry) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static <T extends org.gridgain.grid.internal.processors.cache.database.snapshot.file.SnapshotPath> |
SnapshotPathOperationsHelper.buildPartitonPath(T wrapper,
int grpId,
int partId)
Build partition path.
static void |
SnapshotPathOperationsHelper.ensureDirectory(@NotNull org.gridgain.grid.internal.processors.cache.database.snapshot.file.SnapshotPath snapshotPath,
@NotNull String msg,
@Nullable IgniteLogger log)
Ensures that this is a directory.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
org.apache.ignite.internal.pagemem.wal.WALIterator |
GridGainWalIteratorFactory.iterator(@NotNull IteratorParametersBuilder iteratorParametersBuilder,
@NotNull org.gridgain.grid.internal.processors.cache.database.snapshot.file.SnapshotPath snapshotPath) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
This exception is thrown when license violation is detected.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SecuritySubject |
Authenticator.authenticate(AuthenticationContext authCtx)
Authenticates a given subject (either node or remote client).
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SecuritySubject |
CertificateAuthenticator.authenticate(AuthenticationContext authCtx)
Authenticates a given subject (either node or remote client).
<P extends IgnitePredicate<Certificate[]>> |
CertificateAuthenticator.setPermissionsJson(Map<P,String> permsMapJson)
Sets mapping of certificate predicates to permissions.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SecuritySubject |
JaasAuthenticator.authenticate(AuthenticationContext authCtx)
Authenticates a given subject (either node or remote client).
SecurityPermissionSet |
JaasJsonPermissionProvider.permissions(String principal)
principal to SecurityPermissionSet . |
SecurityPermissionSet |
JaasBasicPermissionsProvider.permissions(String principal)
principal to SecurityPermissionSet . |
SecurityPermissionSet |
JaasPermissionsProvider.permissions(String principal)
principal to SecurityPermissionSet . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SecuritySubject |
PasscodeAuthenticator.authenticate(AuthenticationContext authCtx)
Authenticates a given subject (either node or remote client).
SecuritySubject |
IgniteAuthenticator.authenticate(AuthenticationContext authCtx)
Authenticates a given subject (either node or remote client).
Constructor and Description |
AuthenticationAclBasicProvider(Map<SecurityCredentials,String> perms)
Creates basic ACL provider.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
Checks whether segment is valid.
ReachabilitySegmentationResolver |
ReachabilitySegmentationResolver.setAddressAsString(String addr)
Convenient way to set address.
ReachabilitySegmentationResolver |
ReachabilitySegmentationResolver.setNetworkInterfaceAddressAsString(String itfAddr)
Convenient way to set network interface address.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
Checks whether segment is valid.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
Checks whether segment is valid.
TcpSegmentationResolver |
TcpSegmentationResolver.setAddressAsString(String addr)
Convenient way to set address.
TcpSegmentationResolver |
TcpSegmentationResolver.setLocalAddress(InetAddress locAddr)
Sets local address.
TcpSegmentationResolver |
TcpSegmentationResolver.setLocalAddressAsString(String locAddr)
Convenient way to set local address.
GridGain In-Memory Computing Platform : ver. 8.9.17 Release Date : January 24 2025